Creep / Leak? down. B1630 loader on B7100HST-B


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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
OK, I'm understanding more. SS shipped me plugs and I will test to confirm the (Very Likely) problem is the control valve leaking.

Today I moved 6 logs from a big maple that came down: about 24" by 48" pieces moved to buck up and split. I used a chain on the hook on top of the bucket and then picked them up into the bucket, one by one. Put 3 on a trailer and ferried 3 down the road to the yard and woodsplitter near the woodpile. The creep down was much more pronounced with the load. Had to keep blipping it back up.

So I'm looking at valves. The Summit valve looks good. HERE . My valve has two pressure hoses from the tractor side block, and one return line. Looks like:
View attachment 136714 View attachment 136715

Might I reuse fittings from the OLD valve on the new one?? Hmmmm..

Thanks for all the help!!
I am pretty dure the ports on the Summit valve are all a different size than the OEM valve:

Summit Valve:

P, T, and N are SAE-10.
Work ports are SAE-08

IIRC the ports on the OEM valve are one size smaller

My bet is bucket droop is a bad cylinder not the valve

If you are getting boom leakdown it is probably the valve.

Test and verify before replacing anything.
