Clutch release bearing on L3130 GST


New member
May 28, 2009
Clinton, New Jersey
Vic and all other member,
Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I recently purchased a 2004 L3130 GST with 480 hrs on it and I noticed a noise coming from the undercarriage/clutch housing area. I found this website, registered, and did some reading/searching and found your informative video titled "Getting to know your Kubota clutch". I saw that you went into substantial detail on the clutch release bearing being a common problem with these machines. The noise I am hearing is like you describe as a chatter or faulty bearing sound and is only audible during times of being in neutral with the clutch released or in a low gear with idle RPM (probably only heard during low RPM due to drown out from engine noise when RPMs are increased). Once I press in the clutch, the sound stops, release the clutch, and the noise come right back. I'm wondering two things. One being, did Kubota address this issue with their newer model machines (am I incorrect by considering 2004 a newer model?) and is it unlikely that the CRB is bad on a 2004 L3130 GST? The other being is this bearing serviceable like you mentioned on the B series or is splitting the machine needed? Thanks again for your time.


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
The release bearing on this tractor is only servicable if you split the tractor.
Usually a failing release bearing will make noise when you press the clutch pedal. If it is adjusted properly it won't be in contact at all with the clutch released. The clutch disc can make a sort of rattling sound on these at low speed (it goes away when the tractor is under some load) If that's what it is I wouldn't worry about it. I can't hear it from here though so you might want a (good) mechanic to listen to it! they made a change in the release bearing at serial number 57932 but I've no idea why.