Well-known member
B6200, Kubota 2030 Front Blade, King Cutter 60" finishing deck
Sorry for your loss Mike. I too have urns and many clay paw prints...perhaps too many.I can share your pain. So sorry !
I'm lost for words Mike, all the best my friendsI can share your pain. So sorry !
It's always hard man. Ya just got to look at the love and happiness in their eyes through all the years. We give em the best we can.Got word a week ago that my little buddy has a malignant tumor on his lip/jaw. I can't put him (and myself) thru any staging/surgery. He's never more than 50 feet from me at all times. He's actually laying at my feet as I try to type this message. I'm going to miss him deeply.
We decided to take him back to our previous house for what may be his last swim. He spent the first 4 years at this home and it's wonderful swimming opportunities. Took a picture with him at our old house on the same porch as his first day with us 11 years ago.
1st day with us:
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two days ago...same porch, 11 years later:
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the rock then, and now:
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looking at the swimming hole:
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One of our dogs is a very picky eater. We don't help by giving her table scraps. We have found that when she is hungry she will eat the dry dog food. ie last night she left the bedroom at abt 2am, this morning her food was gone.Could use some help guys. Our rescue dog just plain won't eat dry dog food even if we mix it with wet can food. We've tried everything even pouring gravy over it and all different kinds of broth but no matter what we try he just won't eat it unless it comes in a can. Anyone make their own dog food or find a healthy alternative that works? Thanks in advance.
Did you have the dog's teeth checked? Most likely the dog is just being picky, yet our friends had their dog who wouldn't eat hard food. Come to find out the dog had a gum infection and once that was corrected, the dog eats everything now.Could use some help guys. Our rescue dog just plain won't eat dry dog food even if we mix it with wet can food. We've tried everything even pouring gravy over it and all different kinds of broth but no matter what we try he just won't eat it unless it comes in a can. Anyone make their own dog food or find a healthy alternative that works? Thanks in advance.
I know you're right and I tried but after losing my 3 beagles (over time) and getting old I broke down and bought the can food for him today however I did refuse to share my deer burger with him today. We'll keep mixing a little dry food in with it but that boy is darn near as stubborn as me. I really appreciate the help.One of our dogs is a very picky eater. We don't help by giving her table scraps. We have found that when she is hungry she will eat the dry dog food. ie last night she left the bedroom at abt 2am, this morning her food was gone.
She really likes certain people food (like fish) so this am when I fed her I mixed in very small pieces of leftover swordfish we had last night. Even tho she ate during the night she finishd it all.
Good thought but no his teeth and gums are fine and they should be him being less than 2 years old. Really appreciate you trying to help though.Did you have the dog's teeth checked? Most likely the dog is just being picky, yet our friends had their dog who wouldn't eat hard food. Come to find out the dog had a gum infection and once that was corrected, the dog eats everything now.
Lol, and when they get in that state they can be cruel as well, just sayin'We had a rescue Basset that tried the war of the wills over kibble. Left his bowl of dry food out and no canned food, no snacks, and no table scraps. It took him two days to admit defeat. My wife accused me of being cruel.
The dog or the wife ?Lol, and when they get in that state they can be cruel as well, just sayin'
I am sorry for your loss.I think I’ve posted this pic before but couldn’t find where, so it’s here again since it includes the tractor and this is a tractor forum. View attachment 111491
Lost our cat, only pet wife or I have ever had other than fish which don’t really count. He was fine Friday. By Monday when we took him to the after hours vet they said the could fix him temporarily for $3K but not permanently.
Our then semi-adult son rescued him from a shelter 3.5 years ago. We rescued him from our son 3 years ago. Son dumped him because the cat attacked him. Son is a salesman so of course he didn’t reveal that until a month later when he started getting a bit worried about his mom possibly being attacked. Told him that would have been nice to know but yes, the cat had attacked me once. He said he wasn’t worried about me and asked how far the cat flew. Told him I saw him coming so I backhanded him about 10’ at which point the shelves stopped him. Son said he’d gotten that backhand once and figured that would either kill the cat or stop him from attacking people. Cat wouldn’t come near me for a week, after which we became buds now that we had pecking order established.
He’s just a cat but if they’d said they could permanently fix him for $3K we wouldn’t have thought twice about writing the check.
Still haven’t decided if we’re burying him or cremating him. For now he’s in a little cardboard coffin in a spare freezer at the spare house. If we bury him, wife wants the cardboard coffin in a big, heavy gauge metal box. Once again wondering why I didn’t get the damn backhoe when I had the opportunity.