Snip-snip time? 🪓

Geddy had a post-surgical thing like an infant’s “onesie” that worked wonders. Darned thing got dirty and “soiled,” but was pretty easy to deal with versus a cone of shame.
I sincerely no other health issues?!?!
Thanks for the kind thoughts…Huey had a couple things done.
First one of his testicles did not drop so we were worried longer term about cancer. From our understanding that can increase probability. So that was the reason. we really weren’t sure if he had another one…they found it, and it was not normal size so it’s just as well we had this done now (we were sort of on the fence about it and we did not want to do it earlier until we thought he was done growing).
second, since we were taking him in we also went ahead and had his stomach tacked…we’ve done that with all of our shepherds if they are going in for another surgery.
everything seems to have gone well…he has a learning to navigate doors, furniture and stairs and with the added enjoyment of the cone of shame. Doesn’t seem to be ready to try the doggy door yet

. He’s normally pretty active and in his heart he can fly…so he will be doped up to keep him sedated and we will also keep him leash.
our older female I swear she smiled when we brought Huey home today.