What a week. It began with a kid going too fast down our street, losing control, taking out a corner of our fence before slamming a tree. They were ok but the new to him truck was totaled. Then we lost internet. Fought with ATT for a week. While I was at the neighbors to call ATT (no cell without internet--need an extender), we received an Amazon delivery. The driver was "driver chating" to her next delivery as she left. She did not wait for the driveway double gate to fully open--she drove into it destroying one of the panels and the controller. Repair estimate is $8000. It took five days for the internet repair. I told them it was the line but they said it was the modem. They sent a replacement. When that didn't work, they sent a tech. The repair took 15min. We were lucky enough to have the only cable chewed by a mouse at the demarc. But the worst came Friday into Saturday.
I delivered our new foal in the wee ours of the morning on 2/12 during a severe storm. Deivered, eh, more like pulled out. She was the cutest little thing--healthy, thriving playful, friendly...
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Friday at noon, she became lethargic. By 3pm, she could not stand up. At 4pm, we rolled her onto a blanket to lift/carry her onto the horse trailer and took her to the equine hospital. They did lots of tests-bloodwork, ultrasounds, etc. and could not find anything wrong with her or the mare. She had one elevated liver enzyme (GGT) but that is common in foals this young. She survived the night but died in our arms the next morning. It was less than 24 hours from thriving to dead. This one hurts.