Thanks everyone who've been through these times. Oogie was my dog 8-9 years ago when he was a small puppy. My daughter and him got very attached. My daughter and Oogie grew to be special friends. Their bond grew, and I knew they were meant to be. I kind of gave up the reins, so to speak to let them grow. He was special. A real people dog, loyal to his keeper. Oogie helped my daughter get through a miscarriage. He was great sensing her feelings, and was always by her side. Oogie loved when I come to visit, and always wanted my attention...which I enjoyed that a lot...because he never forgot, me.
Apologies for being long in tooth. My wife and I have had MANY GREAT Pets that have made their way passing. It's very hard to endure. At a time, we had ten Pugs as pets. That was flat crazy times I tell ya!
Thanks again for your condolences.
Apologies for being long in tooth. My wife and I have had MANY GREAT Pets that have made their way passing. It's very hard to endure. At a time, we had ten Pugs as pets. That was flat crazy times I tell ya!
Thanks again for your condolences.