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Active member

B7510/FEL, B7100D, ZD18, ASK-R130
Nov 17, 2023
My take:

Good condition used Kubota tractors are pretty 'liquid'. Take advantage of this.

The hassle and time involved in adding PS to the B7300 doesn't seem worth it, compared to the option of buying another tractor and selling the B7300. Keep in mind the OP wouldn't be doing the conversion himself - the task of finding someone to do it, and do it right, is significant and risky.

Buy another tractor. Sell the B7300.
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Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
I'm with @InTheWoods - it's similar to trying to put a loader on an older tractor. You're much better to sell the machine and buy one that is how you want it, rather than substantially changing your machine. The B7300 will be worth reasonable money to someone who doesn't need power steering. There will be plenty of B2601/B2301 (quite new), or a B2230/B2530 (2007-13), or a B7500/B7510, many of them with a loader.

I'd have a poke around in this list: and see what might suit, then keep an eye out. And, much as it pains me to say it, tractors do also come in colours other than orange....


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
I own a 1999 B7300 HST with a RCK54 belly mower. I believe the tractor is 16 hp but it is manual steering. I now a of last Summer have only very limited use of my left arm and can no longer turn this tractor. What would be a comparable B Series tractor with power steering and 3 range trans? B2301? Clearance under the machine and the belly mower is VERY important. I also run a 4 ft. small brush hog on the rear 3 pt. hitch. I just put 1700 into this machine replacing a leaking seal on engine/trans,etc.. so I'm really bummed but I just can't drive it. I looked for a front loader for over 18 months and that is needed as well. TIA for any replies.
Trying to find an OEM loader for a 25 year old machine is very close to being an impossible task!


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Lifetime Member

L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
I followed up and actually reached Tom Bower. He's no longer making the kits but he did say(explain) to me that you indeed can put power steering onto a B7300.....just have to find someone who still wrenches vs. computer key strokes. There are hydraulic lines in place and a plate to bolt up the kit on the right side of the B 7300. The search continues! Tks. for the tip.
Maybe Tom can give you details of his product, where to get the components he used, etc


New member

1999 Kubota B7300 RCK54 Belly mower 4 ft. No Name Brush Hog
Jan 1, 2025
Three final thoughts...I wonder if a JD conversion kit would fit your tractor? I know...JD...perish the thought. But, you could spray paint orange! It looks like these may be around $1K or so. Maybe by looking at the parts you or someone here would know if that may work.

Power Steering Kit John Deere 58465

I visit a forum called Yesterday's tractor. Someone on there converted their Kubota 8200 steering. You may be able to contact him through that forum to get info about where he got his kit or parts, etc. There are pictures. Seems a bit daunting but then...

Maybe MountainMan (on this forum) has info about a kit or parts or knows where you could get something.

That's all I've got, WatervilleBob. In case you're wondering about my interest in your problem...I have a pinched nerve in my upper arm that hampers what I can do, so I feel your pain! Hope you get some kind of positive solution. We need our tractors.

Morn'in. Tks. for this. I'm limited as in northern Vt. where I am there are few options for old timers who know how to wrench~~build a workaround. Everything is pull the part per the service order detail in a computer but zero outside the box abilities. No tractor time now until maybe April or May depending on length of Mud Season. This hand issue is cancer related but no one seems to have a reason, more so a solution. Very limiting. Tks. for all your comments and encouragement 😇 !