We run Kubota 15w40 since it fits our temperature range. LX2610hsd. I have an old 38 watt magnetic block heater that I'm thinking of using--why not.
Looking at the engine from above, no location jumps out at me. I also wonder if it would be better on the transmission. The lowest temperature we are likely to start the tractor is maybe 5F, and the highest is maybe 100F. It has always started OK at lower temperatures, but whether it would still be happier with a block heater I don't know. Thanks
Looking at the engine from above, no location jumps out at me. I also wonder if it would be better on the transmission. The lowest temperature we are likely to start the tractor is maybe 5F, and the highest is maybe 100F. It has always started OK at lower temperatures, but whether it would still be happier with a block heater I don't know. Thanks