The color has been growing on me for sure, as have other features on the truck as I discover them.
A bit of an update regarding towing and protection.
Ford says that the max gooseneck trailer weight for the F-450 is 33,000lb, but that's really only the case for a specific truck model and under specific circumstances. You'll need an F-350 regular cab dually with either the 6.7L diesel or the gas options to get the payload capacity suitable for a 33,000lb gooseneck trailer. I've been pouring over truck and trailer specs with the hope that I make a "buy once, cry once" decision when it comes to a gooseneck trailer. So here are the specs for this F-450 which is a crew cab, 4x4, H.O. engine and 8ft bed:
GVWR: 14,000lb
Curb weight: 8,627lb
Payload: 5,373lb
So once you account for a full tank of fuel and driver, the available payload is around 4,750lb. Now consider about 20% of the GVWR for a 25k gooseneck trailer is being supported by the truck, the max trailer weight is 23,750lb which is a long way from 33,000lb. A typical 30ft gooseneck trailer weighs about 6,000lb so this leaves a load weight of 17,750lb. I'm not complaining and don't have a problem with these numbers since I can comfortably put the M6060 and folding cutter on a 25k gooseneck, or the M-1078 for that matter. But it is interesting when you start to look at the details.
What I'm left with is that a 25k gooseneck with 10k tandem dual axles with 14 or 16 ply tires is the way to go and would be the best match for this F-450.
Front end protection
I have aftermarket front bumper/brushguards on my '02 F-250 and '98 Jeep TJ to help protect the vehicle (and occupants) in the event of a deer or bigger jumping out in front of me. Montana has one of the highest car and truck comprehensive and collision rates in the country. Supposedly this is due to the very high per capita rate of collisions with deer, elk, moose and even cattle! I want to get something on this truck before I put much in the way of miles on it.
I found a "local" company that makes really stout and well thought out front bumpers. They're called TDK (Throttle Down Kustoms) and they're in Moore, MT. I think I'll be ordering a bare steel bumper from them next week with the idea to paint it myself .... maybe Kubota grey.

Here's an example on a red Super Duty that looks like a later model.
I like the provision for front parking sensors and the adaptive cruise control which my truck has. I'll be keeping the cost down by having the cutouts for two sets of lights added but won't be buying lights at this time. When I do buy lights, one set will be fog lamps to replace the factory ones that get covered up (I'll remove them), and the other set will be driving lights. There's an option for winch mounting, light bar tabs, and a receiver but those are not priorities to me at the moment and I can add later if desired.
This is one of the best looking brushguards I've seen and it's made of some stout 3/16" and 1/4" plate. I think it was
@biketopia who mentioned removing the front valence. I guess it will be gone once this bumper is installed.
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