And here's me thinking that yesterday's -16°F with a high of 10°F was cold!
Is your 3301 on a block heater or in a heated shop/garage? Currently mine sit outside until I have the barn built, but the blockheaters seem to really help when the temperatures are below freezing. I leave them plugged in for a few hours when it's really cold and both tractors start as easy as could be.
I keep the 3301 in an unheated machine shed (pole barn) with a gravel floor and a couple of very small open windows to keep moisture out.
It does have a block heater and in the shed where there is no wind, 2 hours on the heater is plenty and it starts up just fine. W/o the heater I doubt it would start though.
If left outside where the wind could get at it and at -30 I would let it sit on the block heater for 3 hours.
Warm up time 10 minutes before I start moving it then light weight movement for another 10 minutes. Not really what the book calls for but I be impatient kinda guy.
I also replace the chaff screen that sits in front of the rad. with a full size piece of cardboard same size as the metal screen. I sometime think about side curtains but have never used them (maybe I should??). Temp gauge gets up to same level as it would during summertime work and don't notice any more regen's than I would in summer. So never forced the side curtain issue on any of my tractors.
This is got me thinking though maybe I should consider making some side curtains?