arrrrgh 'woodchips' in the garden....... I'd love to meet the guy who started the rumour that 'wood chips in veggie garden is a great thing to do' !! He's NEVER had a veggie garden !
Wood chips require huge amounts of nitrogen in order to decompose, HUGE. Guess where they get it from ? The same garden soil that YOU planted your veggies in. Hmm, anyone see a problem here ???
'wood chips'. OK, ANY black walnut in the 'wood chips' pile ? If so, say goodby to tomatoes,peppers and a long list of veggies.There's a poison (jugalone sp?) that will damage or kill off a lot of veggies. Took out 80+ of my toms one year. Poison is in the whole tree,roots,bark,limbs and leaves. Every time it rained, neighbour's tree dropped poison onto my garden,grrrrrr. Once in soil can take 3-5 YEARS to so away...
neighbour's 1 acre patch is terrible,gone from ok to bad to disaster, yet she CONTINUES to ADD more woodchips,as her son (whose NEVER had a garden ) insists she MUST do it......
You may have guessed by now ,I'm not a fan of 'woodchips' in the garden.
As for garden 'layout', mine was about 60' by 300',so 10 rows, 300' long,6' spacing. The paths were the compressed left tire tread . Minimal weeds in the pathways. Used straw and grass clippings as mulch where needed. Only weeded one row per day. Every fall I'd plow,disc,till then plant 'winter rye'. Overseeded ,probably x8 -x10 what a farmer would sow. Pretty sure rye chokes out the weeds as I didn't have a problem, well, until bindweed came along. THAT is a nightmare to get rid of once it get established.
I found making trellises for beans worked best for me. Had 600' of bush beans wiped out one year.sigh. A-frames allow 2 rows to grow up, form a 'tunnel you can walk through, OUT of the sun,beans stay dry and you cool. Trellies collapse for winter storage.Couple are 20 years old now.
Never did the rotate crops as I always heavily added 'compost' every spring. 'Compost' consisted of pony poop (stable sweepings), neighbours grass clippings, yard waste ( NO black walnuts ! ),kitchen scraps, chicken coop sweepings,etc. Compost 'pile' was really a 50' row,that I used to mix and turn every 2 weeks or so,even in winter,as required.More is better. I'd add 3-4 tandem loads of compost,every year. My top soil was almost 3' deep and could grow 1600# giant pumpkins.
The key to a great garden is giving back what you take. All to often ,people have a great garden for 2-3 years, then yields dwindle, then 'it's no good'. I always get the same answer to 'did you add any compost ? No.