Information for ALL gun owners.


Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN
Hope this trend continues !

President Bush’s Letter of Resignation From The NRA

After the hateful words by the National Rifle Association, a wave of resignations have begun. This is not the first time such a wave has happened. In 1995, former President George Herbert Walker Bush sent his own letter of resignation to the NRA, in response to then Vice-President Wayne LaPierre’s attacks on Federal workers doing their jobs. The topics and issues he brings up are as relevant today as they were in 1995, in light of the NRA blame-filled conference on Friday, we are reprinting this letter from the first President Bush in its entirety below:

May 3, 1995

Dear Mr. Washington,

I was outraged when, even in the wake of the Oklahoma City tragedy, Mr. Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of N.R.A., defended his attack on federal agents as “jack-booted thugs.” To attack Secret Service agents or A.T.F. people or any government law enforcement people as “wearing Nazi bucket helmets and black storm trooper uniforms” wanting to “attack law abiding citizens” is a vicious slander on good people.

Al Whicher, who served on my [ United States Secret Service ] detail when I was Vice President and President, was killed in Oklahoma City. He was no Nazi. He was a kind man, a loving parent, a man dedicated to serving his country — and serve it well he did.

In 1993, I attended the wake for A.T.F. agent Steve Willis, another dedicated officer who did his duty. I can assure you that this honorable man, killed by weird cultists, was no Nazi.

John Magaw, who used to head the U.S.S.S. and now heads A.T.F., is one of the most principled, decent men I have ever known. He would be the last to condone the kind of illegal behavior your ugly letter charges. The same is true for the F.B.I.’s able Director Louis Freeh. I appointed Mr. Freeh to the Federal Bench. His integrity and honor are beyond question.

Both John Magaw and Judge Freeh were in office when I was President. They both now serve in the current administration. They both have badges. Neither of them would ever give the government’s “go ahead to harass, intimidate, even murder law abiding citizens.” (Your words)

I am a gun owner and an avid hunter. Over the years I have agreed with most of N.R.A.’s objectives, particularly your educational and training efforts, and your fundamental stance in favor of owning guns.

However, your broadside against Federal agents deeply offends my own sense of decency and honor; and it offends my concept of service to country. It indirectly slanders a wide array of government law enforcement officials, who are out there, day and night, laying their lives on the line for all of us.

You have not repudiated Mr. LaPierre’s unwarranted attack. Therefore, I resign as a Life Member of N.R.A., said resignation to be effective upon your receipt of this letter. Please remove my name from your membership list.

[ signed ]
George Bush

Just so you know-

In spite of the barrage of media distortions and all the anti-gun "news" being spewed by our controlled media in hopes Americans will line up in droves to turn in their firearms the reality is people are stampeding to buy up every gun, magazine and bullet out there. Couple this fact with after Fridays NRA press conference the controlled media once again went on a tirade predicting most Americans will cancel their NRA memberships in droves, again the opposite is actually happening. Must be rather frustrating for them....

NRA Membership Increasing 8,000 A Day

NRA membership rolls are rising rapidly at a record-setting pace, increasing by 8,000 new NRA members per day since the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting. According to Fox News, both the number of individual contributions to the NRA and their average amount have risen significantly in the period following the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.


New member

M5400,B6100E,K008,L175,TG1860Diesel,JD355D,3)Leyland 154D's,YM2000,IH1466
Oct 13, 2009
Danevang, Tx.
In the last post when I saw "the controlled news media" I knew what was coming next, "fox news." No, I don't watch MSNBC either. To those that are politically brainwashed by either, I am not. I vote for the person that I think will do the best job, not what party they are.

I have been around long enough to see the bumper stickers "If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns." It isn't going to happen. The politicians know they can regulate guns like assault weapons and pistols, but even the lobbyists can't buy them off to try to take our guns. Politicians aren't totally stupid. They know where the money is, but also know where the votes are.

Now about me. Way back when I was around 14 I shot 10 times at a woodchuck with Grandpa's 22 long rifle. For my 15th birthday I got what I wanted, a 22 magnum single shot. It you only have one shot, you make it count. I can still go out the door with many bullets in my mouth and have more than one shot. The main thing is the first. I can also go out any of 3 doors, 2 of which I can't be seen.

Large capacity clips to me are for a shooting range or killing people. Who needs an assault rifle? If the ban had still been on maybe his mother wouldn't have had one. Gee, I wonder if Newtown would have happened in that case.

My nearest neighbor is almost a 1/2 mile away. Out here thieves know there is a good chance of getting shot. They know us "country folk" have guns and protect ourselves and property. They don't know how many shots my gun has and don't want to find out.

Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
To give my answer to the high capacity clips, I do not own an AR or AK or SKS or mini 14 weapon myself but a lot of my friends have and I like it when they are along when hunting coyotes and prairie dogs.

When shooting prairie dogs or Ground squirel gophers I have a Ruger 10/22 with a 25 round clip and I also carry 2 factory 10 round clips and you can shoot them as fast as you can acquire them in the sites or scope, If I miss 1 in 10 shots that is a disappointing day for me.

As far as coyotes I call them in and have had many instances with my bolt action rifles where I could not shoot and reload fast enought to get even a fraction of the yote's that come in " That is when the 10mm G20 Glock with 15+1 capacity comes into play, and having a friend with that has a high capacity clip does indeed help drop a lot more of the calf/lamb killing vermin.;)

Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
If only we would learn from history which has shown to repeat itself Almost 100%.

Every society in history that has gone towards a full democracy has and will fail as we are finding as our law makers have all but derailed the "Complex Republic" our founding fathers designed to keep people in control over the government, they looked into history to prevent a democracy failure.

We are at in 200 year average mark of all the previously failed democracies of the world.


New member

Kubota L175
Apr 15, 2011
Won't it be great when we all have the same gun laws as Chicago? We will all feel safe and be able to leave our doors unlocked..... Oops, I just looked up Chicago crime:p

On a lighter note, I wish everyone of us a merry Christmas!


Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN


New member

Kubota L175
Apr 15, 2011
Nice Five-seven Leslie but a carry piece? You're not worried about hitting someone behind the bg? I like a 45 jhp myself.


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
I see dennis t fell off the fence again. Hope he didn't fall on the cat. It's clear that common sense has long since left the building. It's still amazing to me how people with his silly point of view can blame everyone but the criminals and feel good about themselves.

People who are still proud to be a American and actually understand what the cost of freedom really was/is should pay attention. Silly people like dennis t are not alone and they can vote. It's no wonder we ended up with the so called leader we have not once but twice. If this continues our freedom will be a thing of the past.
Last edited:


Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN

Here is the outline of the gun ban.

Summary of 2013 legislation

Following is a summary of the 2013 legislation:

Bans the sale, transfer, importation, or manufacturing of:

120 specifically-named firearms

Certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and have one military characteristic

Semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds

Strengthens the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban and various state bans by:

Moving from a 2-characteristic test to a 1-characteristic test

Eliminating the easy-to-remove bayonet mounts and flash suppressors from the characteristics test

Banning firearms with “thumbhole stocks” and “bullet buttons” to address attempts to “work around” prior bans

Bans large-capacity ammunition feeding devices capable of accepting more than 10 rounds.

Protects legitimate hunters and the rights of existing gun owners by:

Grandfathering weapons legally possessed on the date of enactment

Exempting over 900 specifically-named weapons used for hunting or sporting purposes and
Exempting antique, manually-operated, and permanently disabled weapons

Requires that grandfathered weapons be registered under the National Firearms Act, to include:

Background check of owner and any transferee;

Type and serial number of the firearm;

Positive identification, including photograph and fingerprint;

Certification from local law enforcement of identity and that possession
would not violate State or local law;

and Dedicated funding for ATF to implement registration

Just like I said they were gonna do, turn our semi autos into NFA guns!!



2007 B7800 LA402 FEL
Aug 1, 2010
Ann Arbor, MI
Here's another opinion for the potpourri. So many people, so few assault weapons. It's one possible solution for over-population. Right?
"Happiness is a warm gun...bang bang shoot shoot."

Crime Statistics - Murders with firearms by country

# 1 South Africa: 31,918
# 2 Colombia: 21,898
# 3 Thailand: 20,032
# 4 United States: 9,369
# 5 Philippines: 7,708
# 6 Mexico: 2,606
# 7 Slovakia: 2,356
# 8 El Salvador: 1,441
# 9 Zimbabwe: 598
# 10 Peru: 442

We're not #1 but hey, look at the good company we're keeping.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Wait,,,, ya mean if I suck down a couple cans of red bull I can do bad things and wind up with a slap on the wrist spend my time in a mental hospital, 3 hots a cot and watch the price is right in the day room, with all the drugs I can handle and then get turned out on the street after 3years????
Hell I gota get me a 6 pack ah dat stuff


Active member

L235, bx2670
May 30, 2009
chickamauga ga usa
Oh my, just saw the national news. I phones are responsible for the high crime rate in Chicago. Come on liberals , let's get those I phones off the street.