FLOAT positions


New member

B3000/63" Front Blower/FEL/Box Blade
Sep 22, 2011
Spring Lake MI
I recently purchased a new B3000 with FEL and 63" front mount snow blower. The forward float position is very handy on the loader for leveling and works fine. After I installed the front mount snow blower i noticed that the hydraulic chute rotation to the right does not turn until you click it fully into a detent at right position. I had never noticed the detent there before, called the dealer and he says its a float on the bucket dump and it is normal that you have to click into this position for chute rotation. Its a little annoying to not be able to feather rotation to the right same as the left.
Any thoughts, comments or fixes on this would be appreciated,



BX24, Rear blade, Front blade, Snowblower, 54" MMM, Box scraper, Landscape rake
Dec 25, 2010
Kellogg, Idaho
Yes that is the way it is :( It took my dealer about an hour of phone diagnostic to figure it out. After getting used to it you will be able to place the snow where you want it.

I do find it funny (not) that in either the tractor manual (mine is a BX 24) or the snow blower that there is no mention of that second detent :mad:


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Awwww come on guys,,, If everything was writen down where would mans quets for knowlage be?


New member

B3000/63" Front Blower/FEL/Box Blade
Sep 22, 2011
Spring Lake MI
I put the FEL back on the other night, I cannot see where the bucket "floats" with this detent to the right. Does it do anything?


New member
Oct 8, 2011
Ontario Canada
I have a new B3000 hsdcc with a snowblower. I found that with mine the "float" position on the blower is by pulling the lever back to the detent. On mine push forward blower lowers, pull back blower rises, pull back further (detent) floats blower. To rotate chute I have to move lever not just slightly right or left, but full right and full left. I'm very new to tractors like this so please be gentle if I'm stating the obvious to you vetrans.


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
I have a new B3000 hsdcc with a snowblower. I found that with mine the "float" position on the blower is by pulling the lever back to the detent. On mine push forward blower lowers, pull back blower rises, pull back further (detent) floats blower. To rotate chute I have to move lever not just slightly right or left, but full right and full left. I'm very new to tractors like this so please be gentle if I'm stating the obvious to you vetrans.
The cables that operate your loader valve are installed wrong if the "float" position is at the rear ( pulled back) position. ALWAYS it is push forward for float on Kubota's! (actually the handle in the cab is installed 180 degrees out!!)

The position you folks are calling float on the bucket circuit is actually the second or slower speed for your bucket dump ( try it and see) In the first dump position oil is directed to both end of the bucket cylinder causing a quick dump, in the second position oil is sent to the base end of the cylinder and returns from the rod end. The hydraulic motor on your chute rotator cannot turn either direction with equal oil pressure on both sides!


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
Thank you for the info. It does seem backwards (cause it is) but what is the easiest way to correct it. The actual handle seems correct so it may be the valves. Please see the attached link and comment. Thanks

On "B" cab models the Valve lock handle should face rearward, yours is facing forward. Remove the two bolts and turn the whole assembly around. When you push the handle forward it should push on the cable that is moving the inside (left from the seat) spool on the control valve. They probably changed the quick coupler hose positions to accommodate the reverse action of the spools so those will need to be changed too. It is an easy confusion because that lock handle does point forward on most Kubota's!


New member

B3030 HSTC,B2781 51" front mounted snowblower,60" MMM
Jan 21, 2010
northern lower Michigan
Eserve is right of course, but you may still have your hoses corrected wrong too.
I just went through this a few weeks ago when installing the front end loader and it didn't float at all, but after a quick call to the dealer on the hose connections, I went back to the instructions on the loader valve and I had my cables in the wring place. After doing that and putting the hoses where they belonged it worked perfect.
Now I just have to experiment when I put my blower back on because I know I'll have to swap some hoses around from where they were before.


New member

B3000/63" Front Blower/FEL/Box Blade
Sep 22, 2011
Spring Lake MI
As to my original question, and the purpose of the right detent. I tried what you said Eserve and you are correct far right position does go into the "Slow" bucket dump.

Thank you..


New member

B3030 HSTC,B2781 51" front mounted snowblower,60" MMM
Jan 21, 2010
northern lower Michigan
When I threw my 2 cents in and said it was no problem switching the cables around and just "swapping the hoses around", it just isn't that simple and I now realize the original question was likely taken wrong by me actually.

I did what I said I was going to do to correct mine alright, but sorting the hoses was an excersize in futility. What a mickey mouse PITA that I'm still scratching my head about and am going to ask now for help figuring it out.

#1. I had my cables backwards initially from what they needed to be for the handle to do the correct functions since I had only had the snowblower before. I had everything the way it was so that when I pulled the handle back the blower raised up. Pushing it forward the blower went down. Pull the handle left the chute rotated left, push it to the right and the chute turned to the right. Unless I'm totally wrong that's how it simply should work.

#2. when I put the loader on everything changed and in order for everything to work properly I had to swap the cables around then change my hoses so they were in the correct locations. When done I pulled back on the lever the loader went up. I push forward and the loader goes down, fully forward it snaps into full float. When I move the lever left the bucket curled up, and when pushed to the right the bucket curls down to dump.

Now I'm all screwed up and switching the hoses alone around won't get me to where it should be to work as in #1. I'd have to switch the cables back in order to get back into what I'm assuming common sense wise to be the proper mode.

Am I wrong on my #1 setup for the snow blower? If so, pardon me but WTF why would you switch it to such a weird way of operation?

I'm hoping someone here can explain how it's supposed to be as I'm baffled and can't believe it would be set up to work the way it does now since every loader tractor I've been on the control works the same way and I just can't believe Kubota would switch the up and down function direction.

No snow yet to move so hopefully I'll get an answer before it does LOL!


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
Your blower should work just like the loader, pull back to go up and push forward to go down.
The chute should turn left when you push left and turn right when you push FULL right. ( the first right position will do nothing).
How does yours work?


New member

B3030 HSTC,B2781 51" front mounted snowblower,60" MMM
Jan 21, 2010
northern lower Michigan
the only way I can get the chute to rotate to rotate is to hook it up backwards ending up with the up/down function with left picking it up and right (float) letting it down. The forward if memory serves me correctly turns it left while the back turns it right. Without it hooked up like it is I can't get the chute to rotate it goes one way and stops. I've swapped it around to no avail and know it's not right.

I changed the cables so I could put the loader on and have it work properly which it does now when hooked up. I could swap the cables back and the blower would work properly like it did before, but then I'd have to change it back to use the loader.

That's where I'm at right now where at least if we get snow I can use it but it sure isn't going to be easy using it with back asswards way it operates.
Thanks for any input to help me out.
PS: deer hunting between work is TOP PRIORITY now LOL!


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
the only way I can get the chute to rotate to rotate is to hook it up backwards ending up with the up/down function with left picking it up and right (float) letting it down. The forward if memory serves me correctly turns it left while the back turns it right. Without it hooked up like it is I can't get the chute to rotate it goes one way and stops. I've swapped it around to no avail and know it's not right.

I changed the cables so I could put the loader on and have it work properly which it does now when hooked up. I could swap the cables back and the blower would work properly like it did before, but then I'd have to change it back to use the loader.

That's where I'm at right now where at least if we get snow I can use it but it sure isn't going to be easy using it with back asswards way it operates.
Thanks for any input to help me out.
PS: deer hunting between work is TOP PRIORITY now LOL!
It looks to me like you just aren't pushing it completely over to the right ( there are two positions on the right)
I'm not sure you have the cables connected right now though so that could be an issue too.


New member

B3030 HSTC,B2781 51" front mounted snowblower,60" MMM
Jan 21, 2010
northern lower Michigan
when I got the loader I had to switch the cables around as it was wrong to begin with although the snowblower function worked perfectly and why I had it arranged the way I did. When I put the loader on is when it wouldn't work correctly so I switched cables so pulling back lifted, pushing forward down, all the way forward to float. Left curled the bucket and right dumped the bucket just like it should be.

When I put the blower on is when I ran into problems that I can't figure out how to correct. I know how to correct it of course but don't thing I should have to as I'm sure Kubota and the rest of the other mfg's all keep them the same.

If I switched the cables back to what it was originally I can make it work properly for the blower but wrong for the loader. Am I wrong in thinking that pushing the lever forward should let the loader or blower down, and all the way forward thru the detent makes it float? I think not as it makes no sense.

I can get the blower to lift up and down correctly I just can't get the chute to turn left and right, it will only go one way or the other and stops when I switch the hoses around. Unless something is stuck in the valve body I'm at a loss. I have the loader put away and since we got snow last night a PITA to get to or I could hook it back up to see if it's the valve but I really doubt that's the problem after what I did when putting the valve and blower on when I bought the tractor.
Thanks for the input by the way!


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
when I got the loader I had to switch the cables around as it was wrong to begin with although the snowblower function worked perfectly and why I had it arranged the way I did. When I put the loader on is when it wouldn't work correctly so I switched cables so pulling back lifted, pushing forward down, all the way forward to float. Left curled the bucket and right dumped the bucket just like it should be.

When I put the blower on is when I ran into problems that I can't figure out how to correct. I know how to correct it of course but don't thing I should have to as I'm sure Kubota and the rest of the other mfg's all keep them the same.

If I switched the cables back to what it was originally I can make it work properly for the blower but wrong for the loader. Am I wrong in thinking that pushing the lever forward should let the loader or blower down, and all the way forward thru the detent makes it float? I think not as it makes no sense.

I can get the blower to lift up and down correctly I just can't get the chute to turn left and right, it will only go one way or the other and stops when I switch the hoses around. Unless something is stuck in the valve body I'm at a loss. I have the loader put away and since we got snow last night a PITA to get to or I could hook it back up to see if it's the valve but I really doubt that's the problem after what I did when putting the valve and blower on when I bought the tractor.
Thanks for the input by the way!
You are correct, the blower should go up when you pull back, down when you push ahead and float when you go all the way forward.
The chute should rotate one way when you move the control left. nothing when you push it right and turn the other way when you push it ALL the way to the right. if it turns the wrong way just reverse the hoses. IT WILL NOT MOVE in the first position to the right!


New member

B3030 HSTC,B2781 51" front mounted snowblower,60" MMM
Jan 21, 2010
northern lower Michigan
Yes it would be the pits if the bucket dumped that way. The loader down
floats correctly as it should now. Haven't messed with it again yet but I'm done rifle hunting and will play catchup on the things I need to get done and
since it's not snowing it's the last thing to do.

If I can't figure it out I'll swap the cables back the wrong way and know it will work correctly that way. Still don't understand the "detent" to the right unless my cables aren't adjusted correctly to allow that to happen.