I bought a new B2650 and it's almost 2 years old. Since day one the hydro static transmission has been jumpy. I read on another forum that another gentleman was having this issue. It's most noticeable in high range, a little less in medium range and barely noticeable in low range due to the gearing. It's still doing it, just less noticeable. When you try to inch up to something close like a trailer or trying to attach an implement it will all of the sudden jump or lurch. I normally use medium range for most of my tractor work. I took it to the dealer and they compared it to a new B2650 on their lot and they say it does the same thing. I didn't witness that test. They called Kubota technical support and they had no answers. So I am told it's normal and I will have to go into low range every time I get close to something and don't want to risk running into anything. This is extremely annoying and maddening when it jumps and I tag the side of my 2016 powder coated dump trailer. I always garage and keep my stuff nice. In 2 years my B2650 only has 62 hours on it. Does anyone here have any information on this issue? I would be so happy if there was a way to make it not be so jumpy!