L2850 V1702 di > V2203 di conversion

Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
Ok here are the dimensions of the 2203 di fuel cam lobes.

This pic is of the high point and just like the previous post all are measure in millimeters and +- of .03 -.05 mm dimension is 43.30 mm

This pic is is the lowest or smallest point of cam lobe and it was 37.85 mm

This is dimension from cam follower body of injection pump to bottom of the housing was 76.65 mm

This pic is a side by side of the cams one on left is what style I need for this engine one on right is what I took out of the 2303 di

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Jun 8, 2016
Clarkrange, TN, USA
New thought:

What about having a machine shop cut splines in the 2203 cam? I remember that you mentioned one being longer than the other, but I can't remember which.

Also, just to add to the thread what we already spoke about in private, my 3 core V2203 reefer engines have the same camshaft as the one in the good engine that I sent you. I suppose this is because they all use the same fuel pump setup instead of hydraulics.

Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
Can't machine splines as the shaft is a smaller diameter on that end of the 2203 cam too which is the longer one, plus it takes a pretty specialized machine shop to do splines like this and the ones we have close can not do them, have ran across this with projects from work. They can do key ways but not splines.



Kubota L3710, L3600 and Bobcat T190
Mar 19, 2010
West Alabama
don't buy one yet, i'll tear down this 1903 i have i know is splined. if it will work i'll send it your way. after work i'll get forks onto bobcat and bring that engine in the air conditioned shop, its 70 plus in bama land, pull the front cover, remove the shaft and post pics

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Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
OK got hold of the guy with used 2203 IDI cam and his dimensions were

high side 44.2 mm mine was 43.3

low side was 39.3 mine was 38.85

Thoughts, I am thinking close enough to try possibly add an extra shim under injection pump to get the lift closer?:confused:

Me thinks its close enough to give it a try.

North Idaho Wolfman

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Lifetime Member

L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I think it's probably an exact match and your just getting different #'s because of the different calipers. ;)

Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
I think it's probably an exact match and your just getting different #'s because of the different calipers. ;)
I was thinking the same thing knowing how hard it was for me to hold things straight and steady enough to get the readings I did, he did it while on the phone with me in a few seconds so we are thinking along the same lines. I am waiting on Clark to measure up his 1903 cam tonight and let me know his dimensions.:)



Kubota L3710, L3600 and Bobcat T190
Mar 19, 2010
West Alabama
L2850 V1702 di > V2203 di conversion

1.542 low side and 1.722 high side in inches. I only have a dial style inch caliper. V1903 Indirect IDI style fuel cam

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Kubota L3710, L3600 and Bobcat T190
Mar 19, 2010
West Alabama
L2850 V1702 di > V2203 di conversion

The rear of the shaft has a spline cover on it, that hog ring comes off, the spline cover slides off and the gear will slide on easily, I've already done it and the rear gear goes right on.

I asked my machine shop friend what difference it would be in the two. He claimed the difference between our engines is the tops of the pistons and the head. So maybe my fuel cam will work for you?
BTW he and his dad rebuild all the local kubota powered industrial generator and construction equipment so they would know the kubota engines better than me to make that assumption.

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Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
OK so ours are all within half a mm on the low side but high sides differ from mine being 2 mm smaller than yours and 1 mm smaller than the e-bay cam. All could be a difference in how one holds and measures the cam lobe.:)

Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
Big shout out and thank you to Clark Bailey for taking the time to tear his used engine down take measurements and send me the parts I am in need of and hopefully will work for me. Did it based on trust which is almost unheard of anymore, won't accept payment until he knows the parts will work and shipped them on his own dime to get things rolling.

Everyone needs to be recognized for this kind of integrity and trust.

Hats off to you Clark you deserve the recognition.:)

Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
Thank you again Clark, got the parts in the mail today and did some side by side measurements and as we kind of determined yours has about 1.5-2 mm larger diameter cam lobes.

I ordered the 2203 IDI cam off e-bay today for further mind calming measurements to see which will be closer, he did it over the phone when I called him a couple weeks ago and it was closer to my dimension than the one out of your 1903 but until i can measure them with my own calipers knowing I am doing it the same between all of them my mind will always wonder.:confused:

Hold tight for another week guys...................................Machine shop just called and they have my clutch housing done so will pick that up on way home from work tomorrow, baby steps lol.
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Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
Update, got the V 2203 IDI fuel cam and it is an exact match to the V 1903 IDI cam sent to me by Clark, unfortunately neither are a match to my direct injection fuel cam and there is enough of a difference in total lobe profile dimensions I am not comfortable even giving it a try and not wanting to tear this engine apart again if it doesn't run right so looks like I am going to be forking out some big money for a new one.
I am now at reman engine price only without the warranty for what I will have into this dam engine.:(

Only other thing i can think of is if anyone has any info on companies that can regrind cams to another profile? Since the 1903 and 2203IDI cams are larger I am wondering if i could send it to a cam grind shop somewhere to get one of them ground to match my smaller dimension needs, anyone got any sources to a cam shop?
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North Idaho Wolfman

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Lifetime Member

L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Why don't you do a simple flow test first, use the original cam and measure how much fuel you get per revolution, or do like 12 rev's to get a better average.
Then do the same with the other cam.

Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
There is a lot more to it than just the amount of fuel per rev, its how much and how fast it gets to fire the injector correctly. The duration and lift profile is different so to fire a DI injector will require a faster lift and shorter duration versus the IDI from visually looking at them it is easily apparent. I am pretty sure the DI injection pop pressure is most likely a bit higher as well.

Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
Ok got more progress today, got valves adjusted got rear main seal installed got modified clutch housing installed along with flywheel. I forgot to take pictures of the clutch housing after the machine shop modified it but it fit perfect like factory precision every hole lined up perfectly.
On a side note as with everything on this used engine it is very corroded from road salt being in a refer had lots of bolts twist off and had to tap out most every single hole on the head and block to clean them up and was no different with the glow plugs went to take the connections loose on them and 3 of the 4 wire connection nuts twisted off which after testing them all were bad anyhow, so swapped all the glow plugs over from my old engine which were all good. Took me a long time to get the corroded and rusty injection line nuts to come loose also to get the intake manifold off for the injection pump removal, didn't want to twist these off managed to keep the soaked up with lube and slowly worked at them until they finally came loose.
Looked the clutch over closer and decided to order a new disc and release bearing and have been doing more digging on my cam and found I can buy just the fuel camshaft alone for $210 versus the complete assembly for $550, so Monday I am going to order these parts and not mess with calling cam shops and then see if the one used fuel cam i bought off e-bay can be returned as it will not work for me.

I am keeping the one Clark sent me for the rest of the parts I need for the fuel cam assembly.
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Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
Just hit another road block, called dealer to see if the cam showed up this week, they do a quick check and say its back ordered then did a check and called back saying the cam is not even available from Kubota right now, so my local dealer is now doing a dealer network search to see if anything is available.:mad:

This is beyond crazy now, never did i think things would go this deep down the rabbit hole. :(


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1993 kubota b2150hsd, fel, back hoe, log spliter
Aug 11, 2016
If Kubota can not come up with one, You should be able to have one cut from new stock if you have the specs on what you need, that saying if the one you was going to have reground didn't turn out.