You need to clean ENTIRE gas system, tank, new lines, carb,etc. Expect to waste 3-4 hours of your life getting rid of the mess ethanol has made. 'gas' with any ethanol in it has less BTU(hp) for the ounce, absorbs water out of the air and will attackthe fuel system components. 'silly' things like the water it acquires, sinks to the bottom of the tank, so it's FIRST into the carb, and if bad enough engine won't run. You call it quits for the time, it won't even start.....carb gets bunged up due to corrosion.... yeah water reacts to the brass,tin, steel,aluminum in the carb,causing even more grief. Luckily the Chinese carbs are only $20.....
Cure, once totally cleaned out... use NON Ethonal HItest with fuel stabilizer AND when done, shut off tank, run carb 'dry'.