We’ve been having some problems with our Kubota recently. Around a month ago, it was starting fine & running well. Parked it for 15 minutes to unload the trailer, went to start it back up and had no crank, no start. When the key turned to the on position, the battery light seemed dim, and was making a buzzing/ clicking sound from the dash. When the key turned to start, no sounds or clicks or lights on the dash. Checked the batt with a multimeter, plenty of juice. Took apart the dash, turned the key to the on position the relay on the right was buzzing/ vibrating. The relay wouldn’t stay open/ or closed but went back and forth (not sure which completes the circuit). Went to a dealer and got a new glow plug relay. Installed, turned key to the left to heat glow plug, the glow light came on. Turned it to the on position, heard the usual crisp snap of the circuit connecting, started right up, goood to go.
Or so I had thought.
It is exactly 35 days later and the exact same problem happened again. Turned the tractor to on position heard the same relay bouncing back & forth and not making the connection. Took the dash apart again, turned the key sure enough you can feel it vibrating back & forth. I thought it was possible the 1 month old relay had gone bad, but I didn’t think it was likely. Well I went and picked up a new one this morning and installed it. The brand new one is doing the same thing. Went thru all my fuses, they all were good.
Was just hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction on what to do or look for next.
This is my first post on the site And I appreciate any advice the grey beard kobota gurus may have.
Or so I had thought.
It is exactly 35 days later and the exact same problem happened again. Turned the tractor to on position heard the same relay bouncing back & forth and not making the connection. Took the dash apart again, turned the key sure enough you can feel it vibrating back & forth. I thought it was possible the 1 month old relay had gone bad, but I didn’t think it was likely. Well I went and picked up a new one this morning and installed it. The brand new one is doing the same thing. Went thru all my fuses, they all were good.
Was just hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction on what to do or look for next.
This is my first post on the site And I appreciate any advice the grey beard kobota gurus may have.