Converting mower decks: RCK54TG to RC54-G20


Active member

G1800S L2500
Aug 19, 2022
SE Pennsylvania
I've started to look at opportunities to squirrel away a mower deck shell for the eventual day when the one I have gets too rusty to use.

I have a line on a like-new RCK54TG deck. This is a belt-driven deck, not a shaft/gearbox driven deck like the RC54-G20 on my G1800.

I've done some research, and I think there's a good chance that the deck shells are similar enough that I could convert a RCK54TG to a RC54-G20 with a bit of bracket fabrication. However, by comparing Parts Lists, I see that the bearing holders between the two decks have different part numbers, although they use the same bearings.

Has anyone attempted such a conversion?

I don't know, maybe this is folly. Maybe I should just bide my time, and hope I'll someday encounter a like-new RC54-G20 for a pittance. That seems unlikely to me. And, the TG tractors don't look to have the longevity of the earlier G-series tractors. Hence, in my crystal ball, I see a looming surplus of the RCK54TG decks, relative to the RC54-G20 decks.

Entertaining reasonable offers for a swap.

Again, what I want to do is put away a pristine deck shell for the distant future when I'll need a new one. I am apprehensive of waiting until say, 10 years from now to take action on this. You know, bird-in-the-hand...



New member

Jul 4, 2023
Ontario Canada
Not sure if this is still relevant to you, but I've converted 2 G1800's to run RCK54TG decks. All of the spindles and parts from the G1800 (RC54-G20) swap over to the new shell. It's a couple hours and some drilling for spindle mounting holes that are just a little off, so I spun them 45 degrees and drilled new holes. Everything else works pretty good, even the belt covers work. I think I replaced the tensioner spring with a longer one from a trampoline or something. The blades sit about 3/4" higher in the new shell so you need to run the deck lower than normal to get the same cut. Also the G1800 deck is designed to be run on the ground (weight carrying springs were added in later years) so when the RCK deck is riding with all of it's weight on the deck wheels you're going to see more wear than normal.
The RCK decks are way thinner than the RC decks and I'm already seeing rust holes and some fatigue cracks on the new decks. But they weren't new when I swapped them.


Active member

G1800S L2500
Aug 19, 2022
SE Pennsylvania
Thanks, Justin.
Good to know.
I do not have the deck load carrying springs on my G1800 (it's an early build). When I mow up to the edges of the flower beds, I have to 'float' the deck over the stone mulch, or the front deck wheel will dig in. Not ideal, but it's a very small part of the total job...

I'm tempted to make a custom extra-wide roller (out of wood) for that LF corner of the deck.
