Why would you not be able to clean the auger with a lever operated clutch? I believe the hydraulic clutch engages reasonably smoothly, certainly that's my experience with my B2601. I do usually power down rather than engaging at full revs.
I don’t think I ever said you couldn’t. With my limited experience, I find the lever operated hydraulic clutch much less user friendly than the foot clutch.
Also in the case of a post hole digger, I usually run the tractor at idle or close to it. On my BX when I activate the hydraulic clutch for my mower at low RPMs, it engages so quickly that it sounds like it wants to do damage. This is where I’m coming.from. Like I said, I only have experience with the BX.
When I’m using my post hole digger, on my B2910, I’m usually twisted around and watching what’s going on. Whichever way I twist my body I can still find the foot clutch with my left foot without any effort.
Of course, when I learned to drive a car, automatic transmissions were rare, so maybe I’m just more comfortable with the manual approach!