My MX factory T&T only really tilts one direction. Cylinder runs out of travel and is almost fully extended when blade is level. Adjusted arms to longest length and thinking of putting adjustable arm on the left side so I can shorten it up. Maybe dealer used the wrong cylinder, its very short. Would appreciate any comments and help.I just remembered one downside of the Kubota kit... The hoses are far longer than they need to be and the fittings into the cylinders could be a little cleaner.
The tilt cylinder doesn't need 90's and if those are eliminated, the hoses could almost be halved. I did order some fittings to eliminate the 90's into the tilt cylinder and from there Ill see how short I can get the hoses.
The top cylinder could also eliminate the 90 at the implement end of the cylinder which would also facilitate shortening of the hose. Again I wont know by how much until I swap the fitting.
Other than that, I don't see a downside at all.