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  1. C

    BX2350 odd wont start issue

    I would die in +40! Looking forward to visiting Texas though when this covid business allows travel again. I hear you have good BBQ!
  2. C

    BX2350 odd wont start issue

    Russell, I shouldnt have shut it down outside, and wont again! -30 c really isnt anything to write home about where I am lol. Doesnt phase me, can spend hours outside, just need to dress right! With windchill, it often gets to a -40 or -45 celsius here in January!
  3. C

    BX2350 odd wont start issue

    Right on! Thanks everyone for your input. Heres what I did/found: 1. As suggested, I looked at the fuel as being one issue. I noticed that everything was clean and flowing well. No gelling. That said, Im glad that this was mentioned as embarrassingly I didn't remember to put the additive in for...
  4. C

    BX2350 odd wont start issue

    Hi all, I'm new here, and new to owning a tractor. Please bear with me. Any information you may have would be appreciate. I shut the bx down yesterday after doing snow for an hour or so. All was running find, except at the end, I noticed that it seemed the tractor wanted to idle down and stall...