If you have a peaked metal roof, the bats can easily get in under the ridge cap. Best suggestion is spend time at dusk watching carefully until you can determine their exit point and then seal that area up. Good luck.
It may run circles around the 7.3, but it will leave a trail of oil to follow :LOL:
I traded my 2004 F350 Lariat Crew Cab Long Box at 1200 miles (1800km) because it was such a piece of.......
Never had issues with my previous 7.3's.
Gave the two tractors a quick once over this morning checking fluids, torques and pressures. Then gave the M a quick wash inside and out. The L was only a bit dusty and grassy so cleaned it up with the Milwaukee blower. Picked potatoes, carrots and peas for supper tonight. Even found time...