Hello the forum. It’s been a while since I’ve posted, but regularly checking in!! Background intel, 2 days ago I had hernia surgery. My daughters boyfriend most graciously volunteered to mow for me, seeing the “ole man” was handicapped. I think he jus wanted to use the Kubota I recently restored, in my Dad’s memory. It a Kubota G5200H. It had 1/2 tank of fuel but I thot it should be topped off. He grabbed the container and I helped with the transfer of the fuel to the tank. I didn’t notice it was gas. He got half way across the yard and it stalls. This thing is bulletproof, and it stalls. I couldn’t understand why it would stop until I checked the container, which said, in bold black letters-“GASOLINE”. We towed it back to the shop and put it to bed. Now, a week later, feeling a little froggy atter surgery, I stopped and got a in-line filter and the “bowl” filter. So far, I’ve only drained the fuel tank. Can y’all walk me through the next steps so we can get the ole tractor back on track to cutting the grass. Sorry for the long post. He meant well!! My bad also for not catching it. I’m most grateful for any replies. Semper-fi & This We’ll Defend, Mike