Need advice on BX1880/2380 purchase.


New member
Apr 2, 2019
Hugo, MN
New member, seriously considering a new BX1880/2380 purchase.

Number 1 priority is I need a bad-a$$ snowblower solution. I have a 500+ foot driveway in Minnesota and in addition to winter snowfall we have significant drifting issues. I'm leaning towards the BX2380 with a new 50" snowblower. I would love to get the more attractive financing offered on the BX1880 but think I might need the extra power of the BX2380 so I don't have to slow down as much = save time.

I will also be mowing with it. 1.2 acres mowable, very nice irrigated lawn. I have some elevation changes (not much) so thinking 54" finishing deck.

Thoughts, recommendations and what's a good discount% for the package in Twin Cities area MN?

Thank you.


Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
The general rule with the BX is that the HP between the models only matters if you're running demanding PTO applications or a big mower.

Since your two uses are snowblowing and mowing, you're in the category who'd want more horsepower. Snowblowing in particular is very horsepower sensitive - so I'd think the BX2380 or even BX2680 would be more appropriate.

Are you looking at front mount or rear mount snowblowers? Quite a big difference in cost, but also quite a big difference in usability.

A lot of people reckon that a B2650 with cab is a much better winter machine. Depends on your budget I guess.


New member
Apr 2, 2019
Hugo, MN
Especially since this is really just a snowblower/lawn mower purchase, budget is a factor. I think you are right about needing at least the BX2380 for blowing snow.

DEFINITELY a front mount snowblower. I think it's a BX2816 blower.



BX2380 w/FEL & Woods RM48 RFM, Yazoo/Kees Max2 ZTR
Jun 30, 2017
Price will likely depend on the amount of competition in your area.

Here in Ohio, you can pick up a new 2380-FEL-MMM for ~$16K. Not sure what the blower cost is. Figure about $1500 difference if you go up or down a model, 1880 vs 2680.

Call every dealer within a radius your willing to commit to, see what turns up. Price can vary greatly dealer to dealer.

Based on your usage, I would stay with a 23 or 2680, not the 18.



Feb 11, 2019
Worcester, MA
I personally own the BX1880 with the front mount snowblower. I also have the mid mower and grass catcher. I can tell you from experience that mowing is no problem. Snow blowing is where I can really feel it. I have turf tires, and the traction is great. I have 800 ft drive way with part of it inclined. I didn't even need to put chains on. But when the snow gets heavy I definitely had to go slower than I wanted to. Its the only place where I regret not going with the 23 hp version. Feel free to ask me any questions I'll answer best I can.


New member
Apr 2, 2019
Hugo, MN
I personally own the BX1880 with the front mount snowblower. I also have the mid mower and grass catcher. I can tell you from experience that mowing is no problem. Snow blowing is where I can really feel it. I have turf tires, and the traction is great. I have 800 ft drive way with part of it inclined. I didn't even need to put chains on. But when the snow gets heavy I definitely had to go slower than I wanted to. Its the only place where I regret not going with the 23 hp version. Feel free to ask me any questions I'll answer best I can.
Very helpful Atitus. Are you happy with it as a mower? Great snowblower other than wanting more horsepower?



Feb 11, 2019
Worcester, MA
Very helpful Atitus. Are you happy with it as a mower? Great snowblower other than wanting more horsepower?
Yes, I think it mows great. So that my comparison is fair I'm coming from a walk behind mower not a zero-turn. I prefer to bag the clippings -- always did it that way growing up kinda formed a habit that is hard to break. I have been reading a lot about mulching and think that I should probably consider it at some point soon. I have seen multiple posts where folks have good results with simply adding gator blades on a BX an not bothering with full mulch kit.

I'm very happy with the performance of the blower. It throws the snow very far, and does a nice clean job on the pavement. When the snow gets wet you just have to slow down you can feel the motor start to bog a bit. I suspect that would be less with the 23 hp version but I have no way to prove that. I spoiled myself and got the hydraulic options for rotation and chute deflection -- you can control it completely from the loader valve handle. To be fair those are pretty expensive options but I figure dividing out over all the payments its worth it. Gotta have some sort of creature comforts on an open seat tractor in the middle of winter!


New member

1870-1, LA203A, RCK54
Feb 25, 2016
Sherman County, Oregon
We have a BX1870 and I reckon Atitus has it nailed. A 54" MMM wont care if it's driven by 18 or23 HP, either one is more than enough. If rototilling or snow blowing are the #1 priority, the 23 would have an advantage IF the tiller/blowers are the same size as you would run on the 18. If you put a wider attachment on the 2380, your additional HP is offset due to the greater power demand.

Our 1870 takes care of a very steep yard running a 54" deck and PTO powered bagger. Power has absolutely never been an issue.

In the end, ANY size BX is a mighty nice tool to have. Really can't go wrong with one for around the house chores.


Lifetime Member

B2650, LP Grapple, Bro-Tek spacers, QH, Box Blade, Landscape Rake, RB, and 1560G
Aug 1, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
I don***8217;t live far from you in MN as well, I would go with the 2380 and a 60***8221; deck, having it extend out a little further will help to be close to trees, fences, and other obstacles in the yard. I have the 25D TLB version and the front blower, it worked amazing on anything Mother Nature dished out. I changed to the 23S and didn***8217;t go with a snowblower as I have plow on my Ranger, works well for most snows this year. I did wish I had a blower toward the end of the year and will try for a 3pt this summer when I might find a deal. I know the 3pt will not be as nice, but will be used only as needed & not the primary tool. I have had great sales and service from Lano in Ramsey, pricing was better than Olson***8217;s in North Branch. Check both out and see which you feel would provide better service after the sale, the price will be close from either. Good luck with the tool purchase!


New member
Apr 2, 2019
Hugo, MN
Thanks to all for the replies so far, very helpful.
Is there any way to know if my yard/grade would do well with a 60"?

It's mostly flat, but has contours around the home for my walkout basement. If I did it correctly, I attached a photo of my steepest grade change.



Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
I would always go with the 60" if you can. Bigger is mostly better, unless you have very uneven ground. Your ground doesn't look that uneven. My (second hand) BX2350 came with a 54". I had some uneven patches. The mower chews them till they're not so uneven any more, then it's sorted. :) But realistically I think it's true that you're better to modify your lawn than compromise on your tractor. After all, once you have a BX modifying the slope or filling hollows will be easy.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Jan 1, 2017
La Farge Wi
Live by La Crosse WI and would go the 2380 route as my BX2370 with a BX5450 front mounted snowblower get a decent work out dealing with drifts on my 1/3 mile driveway(going uphill). What I wish I would have bought was a curtis cab with my tractor(now offering an A/C unit for the roof). Also I would get the hydraulic chute rotor option(just ordered this last week) when at the dealership getting a landpride rotary mower. Just have to pay off the VISA so I came max it out again or sell a car or two(have a issue in that department too).


New member
Jun 27, 2018
I live in NH and have the BX1880. I havent wanted for HP at all snowblowing but havent had one of our classic 24"+ blizzards yet. I will say I can pretty much drive through a snowbank chest high without snowing down too much. I actually dial down the RPMs a bit as I can find myself throwing the snow across my entire front yard into the neighbors. I have the 50" front mount.

That being said, more HP is more HP. If you can afford it, why not? My lil 1880 is overkill for what I use it for anyways so didnt need any more than it offered.


New member
Apr 2, 2019
Hugo, MN
I live in NH and have the BX1880. I havent wanted for HP at all snowblowing but havent had one of our classic 24"+ blizzards yet. I will say I can pretty much drive through a snowbank chest high without snowing down too much. I actually dial down the RPMs a bit as I can find myself throwing the snow across my entire front yard into the neighbors. I have the 50" front mount.

That being said, more HP is more HP. If you can afford it, why not? My lil 1880 is overkill for what I use it for anyways so didnt need any more than it offered.
How long is your driveway?


New member
Jun 27, 2018
How long is your driveway?
I'm on a corner lot. I have two driveways about 200' long then where they meet near my house is about a 60'X60' area where we park. I also clear the area in front of a coner fence that the plows use to dump snow and eventually break my fence every year which is effectively snowblowing an 8' high snowbank.

All this being said, I havent had the BX long enough to test it in a "real" NH blizzard with 20"+ inches of heavy snow to see if I ever want for more HP.


New member
Apr 2, 2019
Hugo, MN
I'm on a corner lot. I have two driveways about 200' long then where they meet near my house is about a 60'X60' area where we park. I also clear the area in front of a coner fence that the plows use to dump snow and eventually break my fence every year which is effectively snowblowing an 8' high snowbank.

All this being said, I havent had the BX long enough to test it in a "real" NH blizzard with 20"+ inches of heavy snow to see if I ever want for more HP.
Roger all, thank you.