Reposting from a friend...
"Auto Zone has a closeout on boxed two-packs (2 x 1 gallon) of Rotella T6, normally $39.99, now half off - $19.99 or something.
And . . . if you haven't already done a rebate this year, there is a $14 rebate, so final price is $6 for two gallons ($3 per gallon) after rebate.
Even without the rebate, $10 per gallon is a good price for T6."
The boxes of T6 may be hard to find...
"Auto Zone has a closeout on boxed two-packs (2 x 1 gallon) of Rotella T6, normally $39.99, now half off - $19.99 or something.
And . . . if you haven't already done a rebate this year, there is a $14 rebate, so final price is $6 for two gallons ($3 per gallon) after rebate.
Even without the rebate, $10 per gallon is a good price for T6."
The boxes of T6 may be hard to find...