I have a BX25 and today it started to tip very easily with even a moderate load in the bucket. It tips enough so that the back left tire comes off the ground and the front right side of the bucket dips low. It looks like it's rotating on a single bold under the front center just above the front axle. Does anyone have any idea what it could be? Nothing 'looks' broken but it's not right... FYI The ground is fairly level and I can level the machine by lifting up the right side of the bucket with my hand. I've carried many loads over the same terrain with no tipping. Today however it is way too easy.... I don't have a parts manual and I would guess it's a suspension problem but I can't see anything broken...
Any ideas? (thanks in advance and sorry if this is already posted. I tried searching on tip or tips but many posts have tips for users and I cant think of a better word to narrow the search... )
Any ideas? (thanks in advance and sorry if this is already posted. I tried searching on tip or tips but many posts have tips for users and I cant think of a better word to narrow the search... )