What’s the advantage of concealed carry over open carry?


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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
I remember some years ago I was at a buffet restaurant, and there was a guy there that had a hand gun on his hip in a holster, and I thought “he doesn’t look like a police officer”… But I felt kind of safe, knowing that he was there in the restaurant having lunch. No reason to feel like that because I don’t think there was any threat, but I felt like that and I still remember it.

So being the person I am, I remember the recent thread here about the best gun for concealed carry. And then I started to wonder what the advantage of concealed carry actually is.

Frankly, I think that I would prefer the honest, decent people that want to carry a gun, that they would carry it on their hip exposed and make me feel more comfortable!

How weird am I?
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B2601, FEL, BH, MMM
Mar 10, 2022
Not weird at all. I agree, and like when I see the law abiding citizens open carrying.

I believe one advantage of carrying concealed is that a would be bad guy can't take from you what they can't see or know is there.
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Mar 16, 2021
I carry canceled simply because it prevents people from seeing (reacting) the scarry gun. Less potential conflict.
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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
Two reasons I’ve heard for concealed v open carry.

1. Some people, instead of having the reaction you did, are disturbed by others open carrying. While they know there are likely some concealed carry in public places, they don’t see the guns so they aren’t bothered by them. For me, a lot of the comfortable v disturbed reaction depends on who is doing the open carrying.

Recently saw a gentleman open carrying in Walmart, which is pretty odd here despite a ton of folks concealed carrying. The way he looked and general vibe he was giving off, I wouldn’t have been at all surprised to see him in the parking lot in an old white van without windows inviting little girls to stop by for candy. Dude was majorly creepy. His presence with pistol on hip did NOT make me more comfortable. If he was concealed carrying or not carrying he still would have been disturbing, but lack of a full size 1911 style something on his hip would have taken it down a couple notches.

2. If you’re not uniformed law
enforcement, someone obviously creating a high profile, you’re better off not letting everyone, including would be assailants, know you’re carrying.

For example, say you’re in a restaurant with 30 other people. Out of those 30, 5 are armed, 2 open carry and 3 concealed. A gunman enters the restaurant with intent to commit the latest mass shooting. If he has any logic remaining, who does he shoot first? Obviously those he knows are armed as they’re the only ones he knows can potentially effectively stop him. So far as he knows, 2 are open carrying and all of the other 28 may or may not be carrying.

Or you’re walking down a street and an assailant is planning to assault you. With open carry, two possibilities: good - sees you’re armed so skips you in favor of a softer target; or bad - sees you’re armed so is able to adapt his strategy to account for the need to disarm you or disable you before you can pull your gun.

Concealed retains the element of surprise, which can be a critical element in some scenarios, particularly defensive situations where you’re not on high alert and/or don’t know you’re in a fight until it’s already started.

That said, my experience with quite a few folks when queried about what they are doing on some part of our property, the mere fact that I happen to have shotgun or .308 slung on my shoulder or held in a completely non-aggressive manner results in amazing humility and manners grandma would be proud to see in church.

So maybe there’s something to be said for open carry. Probably not in public places where it’s highly abnormal, but if open carry is normal where you are, probably fine.
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Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
I have a conceal carry permit. I actually don't carry very often. But do when I'm traveling, as well as the occasional service call in a questionable area after hours at work.

I prefer to have my gun on me, but to not have to advertise the fact by open carrying
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Well-known member

Jul 19, 2020
And then I started to wonder what the advantage of concealed carry actually is.
Stealth. If you are open carrying, and your location (restaurant, store, whatever) is scouted by a bad actor (or actors) before he decides to do a bad thing, you are going to be his first target.

I would rather take him by surprise, than have him take me by surprise.

And then there is the PR problem. I know some think we are standing for our rights by open carrying, and I get that, but in this day and age, I think it does more harm than good. Frankly, a group of people coming into a restaurant, all packing openly, some carrying rifles, is NOT going to win over the undecided. It's going to do the opposite.

I would love to see a day when it's just no big deal, but that is not today, and that day is not going to be brought closer by alienating the mushy middle. I applaud the intent, but it's very unwise.

Good intentions do not guarantee good outcomes.
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Tony Jones

New member
Jun 18, 2024
When carrying concealed, the element of surprise in a time of adversary is there.... When open, its very easy to predicts one's next move which i wouldn't want when i need to use it.....
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BX2370 (impliment details in Profile-About)
Apr 24, 2024
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Having been in a situation where a gang of eleven members tried an attempted robbery and I was carrying unconcerned on my hip, I can say confidently the advantage of them knowing I could and would defend myself (they asked) was they stood down and there was no crime committed. For reasons unknown to me they reportly vacated the neighborhood according to the neighbors that later thanked me.


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Premium Member

Apr 5, 2013
Porter Maine
I had a customer of mine who she and her husband went to Texas a few yrs ago on vacation. Houston possibly. I asked her when she stopped again how was vacation. She said it was quite disturbing as every other person uou meet on the street walking was carrying a gun on their hip...lol
I said my god I would of felt the safest of any place on earth.
She's a liberal from Vermont, peace and love.
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Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
Thanks for the insight guys. Very logical answers to my question.
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The Evil Twin

Well-known member

L2501, LA526,
Jul 19, 2022
Exactly what @Mark_BX2350D said.
In any situation that goes sideways, you identify the most immediate threat and neutralize it. That same train of thought would lead a criminal to neutralize an open carry first.

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
I had a customer of mine who she and her husband went to Texas a few yrs ago on vacation. Houston possibly. I asked her when she stopped again how was vacation. She said it was quite disturbing as every other person uou meet on the street walking was carrying a gun on their hip...lol
I said my god I would of felt the safest of any place on earth.
She's a liberal from Vermont, peace and love.
I'm actually from Vermont. I got out of there almost 30yrs ago. I have some friends and family still there, but haven't been back to visit for about 10 years.

It was getting bad when I left. It's way worse now.

The odd thing about your customer. Vermont has pretty progressive gun laws. You can pretty much do what you want within reason.

You can pretty much hunt anywhere outside of city limits. Do what ever you want on someone else's property within reason unless the property is posted.

Can open carry, conceal carry, etc......

For how woke the states gone, The gun laws haven't come close to catching up with the rest of the beliefs.
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John T

Well-known member

2017 BX23S
May 5, 2017
under a rock
Connecticut recently changed the law to NO open carry.

But I always concealed anyway. I don't need to advertise... it usually causes more problems than it's worth.

I carry for my own personal protection.... not show & tell.
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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
I had a customer of mine who she and her husband went to Texas a few yrs ago on vacation. Houston possibly. I asked her when she stopped again how was vacation. She said it was quite disturbing as every other person uou meet on the street walking was carrying a gun on their hip...lol
I said my god I would of felt the safest of any place on earth.
She's a liberal from Vermont, peace and love.
I lived in Houston 21 years and never saw anyone open carrying. Maybe things have changed since 1995? I've only seen one in 28 years in west Tennessee.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Pa. has open carry with out a permit,, concealed you need a CCW. I have seen a lot more CCW than open carry around here. Many places have a sign no weapons permitted, concealed no one knows nor should they. However, should things go sideways, you might find out you are not alone
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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
I rarely see open carry in Ohio. I’ve had my concealed carry since the state offered it. No matter which you choose, practice practice practice. Know your skills and limitations before you need them. Be aware of your environment as well. Don’t walk around with your head in your phone or ear buds in blocking out sounds. Make eye contact. An unaware target is easier than someone who may resist. My wife laughs at me because when we are somewhere, it is a green, yellow or orange day. She now knows to adjust her awareness to the colors and will often change them before I do.
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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
OC is definitely more accessible, but it also becomes more accessible as well as advertising where it is to others. To me, OC doesn’t have an advantage when you are most vulnerable IMO…to me that is at a urinal, or carrying a box or bags out of a store…basically if your hands full and you are sporting open carry, in my mind someone could easily pick your pocket so to so to speak. So for me I prefer to not advertise.


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BX2370 (impliment details in Profile-About)
Apr 24, 2024
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Exactly what @Mark_BX2350D said.
In any situation that goes sideways, you identify the most immediate threat and neutralize it. That same train of thought would lead a criminal to neutralize an open carry first.
As far as I'm aware, the only occurance of that is one bank robbery where the criminals were on meth and shot the guard, not a normal customer.

Criminals who have been caught on video "casing the joint ahead of time" and attempting to rob a place said they stopped if a private citizen was seen armed because they didn't plan for it and normal people kill criminals without much concern, unlike police who have an investigation and tons of paperwork afterwards.


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B2400, lA352 loader,3pth quick hitch/z122r zero turn/restored 52 farmall super a
Dec 23, 2020
Nazareth Pa
Be careful. Lot of states open carry becomes concealed carry when you sit in your car and close the door. Hence need Cc permit.