seat switch


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
A number of years ago we (dealer I worked at) sold a L5030HST to a customer. We serviced it up every year and he was fine with it. One year we were doing the service and noticed that his seat was starting to fall apart, which affected the seat switch operation. I was the tech doing the job, and at the time I was also the service manager and service advisor. And parts puller for the shop. Anyway, I advised Mr. Customer about the seat and that the switch was not going to work properly without replacing the seat. Those seats aren't that cheap, and he threw a fit about it and said "don't worry about it". A while after it was picked up (months?-I don't remember), I get a call from him saying that the seat finally died and that the OPC switch was not working, every time he pushed the pedal to go forward or backward, it'd kill the engine. Same for PTO, turn it on and it'd kill the engine. About all he did was run the shredder with it. Guy asked me how to bypass the switch but as a dealer tech, and one with some form of common sense, I told him the truth-I can not, and will not tell him. Of course he gets mad, hangs up the phone, but not after saying that he'd never bring that tractor to our dealer. Fine. And he never did.

I just learned that he was running the shredder under some tree limbs, one of the limbs knocked him off the tractor and he got run over. EMT's showed up (one of them is a coworker where I work at now) and found him still underneath the shredder, and the shredder was still shredding. Obviously there wasn't anything that they could do, he is gone. My coworker called & asked me if I knew him (YUP) and I mentioned to my coworker, hey man flip the seat up and see if the seat switch is functional. He had it bypassed, as I suspected.

He was in his 70's. Good man, retired, had kids and grand kids.

Point being, it's not wise to tell folks how to bypass a seat switch because you never know what's gonna happen hours/months/years/decades down the road.
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Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
That’s incredibly sad to go in such a horrifying manner from something likely preventable. Was involved in the aftermath of such incidents for a few decades. Even when you don’t know the people involved, it wears on you. Worse when you do know them.

Long story not worth recounting, but I’ve been almost pulled off a 9N Ford many years ago. Scared the crap out of my stupid self (would have been run over by a disc harrow). If you’re turned around looking at the implement on the back or otherwise not expecting it, even at low speed it can start pulling you back away from the clutch and other controls awfully fast. If it gets you back far enough you can’t get to the controls to stop it, you’re going off. Seat switch can be annoying some times, but I like it.