Not cutting as expected


New member
Jun 27, 2024
My new GR2020G was delivered today and I used it for the first time. I'm disappointed with the cut and am looking for suggestions. It has been so dry here and I haven't mowed in 3 weeks. My yard has a ton of "cattails". I did try and set the mower to cut a little higher the first time so I didn't go too low. It seems when I mowed over the catttails a lot of them sprung back up and I'd have to try and make a second pass. My old Snapper mower would have zinged these right off. I did look under the deck to make sure the dealer has the blades on correctly and they all freely rotate. I ran my fingers over the blades and they seem extremely dull. Is this normal? Not sure if I have an issue, need other blades, or Kubotas don't cut as cleanly as I expected.


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Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
First - your Kubota should cut equal too if not better than the ol Snapper. Your snapper had a huge single blade under it? And now your Kubota has 3 much smaller diameter blades. So what is happening is the front of the deck is pushing the cattails down and the deck is gliding over it, where as the snapper's diameter picked it up enough to cut.

And yes those blades should be sharp - maybe not razor sharp, but sharp enough to NOT rub your finger across it! ;)

If you can find a patch of grass that has grown tightly - run across that and see if the cut gets better.

Once you get some grass - we just got a weeks worth of rain here and it was dry as a dessert before - so my grass is kicking! My B7100 will leave a gorgeous finish and shoot the cut grass 6 feet out.
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