LA480 drops before going up


New member

Jan 26, 2025
I have a L2900 w La480. It has an electric 3rd valve that used to control a snow plow left/right movement. Tractor has 1,000hrs. Shes old but runs well.

My problem is when I go to raise the loader, it will drop slowly until pressure kicks in and it starts going up. When I'm holding something a few hundred pounds it will very slowly drop, maybe an inch in 2-3min. I've had all 4 cylinders rebuilt for small leaks and possibly this issue. Still happens.. so I went ahead and rebuilt the control valve on my own. The bucket is much smoother at this point (not nearly as jerky/sensitive) however the drop before going up is 1000x worse. With no load, if I go to raise the bucket slowly moving the lever, the bucket will drop like there is nothing holding pressure before pressure kicks in and it starts raising.

I didn't notice the problem before with bucket curl, but it's happening there as well. If the curl is 1/2 way and I go to curl up, the bucket uncurls fast like there is no holding pressure and then starts curling up if I move the lever far enough.

Is there a check valve somewhere? I can hear fluid movement in the control valve when the loader starts falling and after I've opened enough (pulled down on lever) I can hear the pressure build and push loader up. Two distinct sounds when the loader falls vs moving up. What would allow it to open and fall when pressure to push cylinders it not activated?

To review, when I slowly pull control lever down to raise the bucket, it will start falling fast until I move the lever enough to allow pressure through to push the loader up. It used to do this a little, but then I rebuilt the control valve and instead of dropping a little/slowly, now it's almost in free fall when when I start to raise the bucket.

Thanks for some insight!


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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
I have a L2900 w La480. It has an electric 3rd valve that used to control a snow plow left/right movement. Tractor has 1,000hrs. Shes old but runs well.

My problem is when I go to raise the loader, it will drop slowly until pressure kicks in and it starts going up. When I'm holding something a few hundred pounds it will very slowly drop, maybe an inch in 2-3min. I've had all 4 cylinders rebuilt for small leaks and possibly this issue. Still happens.. so I went ahead and rebuilt the control valve on my own. The bucket is much smoother at this point (not nearly as jerky/sensitive) however the drop before going up is 1000x worse. With no load, if I go to raise the bucket slowly moving the lever, the bucket will drop like there is nothing holding pressure before pressure kicks in and it starts raising.

I didn't notice the problem before with bucket curl, but it's happening there as well. If the curl is 1/2 way and I go to curl up, the bucket uncurls fast like there is no holding pressure and then starts curling up if I move the lever far enough.

Is there a check valve somewhere? I can hear fluid movement in the control valve when the loader starts falling and after I've opened enough (pulled down on lever) I can hear the pressure build and push loader up. Two distinct sounds when the loader falls vs moving up. What would allow it to open and fall when pressure to push cylinders it not activated?

To review, when I slowly pull control lever down to raise the bucket, it will start falling fast until I move the lever enough to allow pressure through to push the loader up. It used to do this a little, but then I rebuilt the control valve and instead of dropping a little/slowly, now it's almost in free fall when when I start to raise the bucket.

Thanks for some insight!
Could be the load checks in the valve. I'm not sure this is your valve, but the CV's are #120. The springs can be messed up if you're not careful when you reassemble it.


New member

Jan 26, 2025
I bought pretty much all the rebuild kits from messicks, took the control valve off and pulled it all apart and replaced all the seals, springs, bearings, etc. I replaced the 120 and 130 above. When I put it together I laid it down so I was stacking vertically so the springs stayed in place. I took a video taking it apart, but you never have the exact pic you need. I was looking for a LA480 manual so I could verify the direction of 130, which a cylinder with one flat side. The pic of pulling apart showed it flat side pointing right - spring on top of flat part, but this makes me not so sure. Like the flat part should be inside the unit and the spring fits inside the cylinder part of it. But I replaced all the o-rings, springs, plastic seals and poppets (130) I believe they are called. Original spring tension felt fine and the original poppets were in good shape, just a few scratches around it I could feel with my finder nail.


New member

Jan 26, 2025
Ok, now looking at video, it looks like it went spring in the hole, the poppet and I did poppet then spring. These are tear down pics. That means I have it opposite order. $#&#!!

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Russell King

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L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
@TheOldHokie may be able to comment on your problem. He is a very knowledgeable person who may have rebuilt a similar valve.

(I do know he has been absent but recently started posting again recently- perhaps he will see that he has been mentioned in this thread)


Well-known member
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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
Ok, now looking at video, it looks like it went spring in the hole, the poppet and I did poppet then spring. These are tear down pics. That means I have it opposite order. $#&#!!

View attachment 147076 View attachment 147077
Poppet goes in with recess out. Then spring goes in the recess.

Edit: this diagram is for a Husco 5000, which I'm not sure yours is. Is there a tag of some type of some id cast in?


New member

Jan 26, 2025
Thanks that was it. I had poppet flat face out and then spring. Switched it to flat face in with the spring in the poppet and it's working correctly. Bucket still drops when it's not running maybe an inch every few minutes. The main reason for rebuild was for the bucket slowly dropping under load while running. I'll have to see if the rebuild fixed that issue.


Well-known member
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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
Thanks that was it. I had poppet flat face out and then spring. Switched it to flat face in with the spring in the poppet and it's working correctly. Bucket still drops when it's not running maybe an inch every few minutes. The main reason for rebuild was for the bucket slowly dropping under load while running. I'll have to see if the rebuild fixed that issue.
Thanks for reporting back. The slow lowering is common/universal, but varies from tractor to tractor. Spool valves rely on a close fit between the spool and bore to shutoff, but a perfect shutoff can't happen. My backhoe stabilizers have pilot operated check valves to prevent them from leaking down, but there is a jerk when one releases to raise the stabilizer, so they would make it impossible to do fine control. BTW, this is one reason it's good practice to lower everything when you shutdown; better to be present when the load settles.