La435 won't sit straight

Shotgun Merwin

New member
Jul 9, 2024
I've had trouble getting my loader on my b2601 on and off since day 1. The dealer I got it from messed several things up on it themselves that i eventually had to repair myself, so i'm thinking this is something they screwed up in the first place that i've made steadily worse over time. After having several brawls with it, it's at the point now where the loader won't even sit straight on the ground. The loader itself looks straight, sits on the tractor fine once it's one, but the stand legs for it look like they're really not working right. As it sits on the ground, pretty much all the weight is on the left side one, you can actually rock the thing back and forth by hand, there's no weight at all on the right side one. In fact, you can just grab the right side leg and move it up and down, as there's no weight at all on it. Looking at the left side leg, it looks like it's not "deployed" properly, you can see that the silver bar on it is supposed to sit in the grove on the orange stand bar, but when fully deployed it sits like several inches forward of it and won't go down all the way to the point where it's resting on the bar. The other side looks like it would deploy properly if there was any weight on it, but the left side is propping the whole thing up so much it won't even let the right side go down anymore.

So i'm trying to figure out exactly what is out of alignment or bent here. Any ideas?


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Shotgun Merwin

New member
Jul 9, 2024
Nah, I didn't finance it, i own it. I prefer to avoid the dealer because they screwed several things up on the tractor before they delivered it to me, which i fixed myself. I had them fix one thing for me, and i ended up losing the tractor for 2 months while they worked on it, so I'm not eager to do that again. Even if i have to pay, within reason, to fix it myself i'm fine with that because the dealer is generally a pain to work with and they don't have the best of people working for them.

I forgot to mention too, i tried adjusting the arms like the manual calls for, but those adjustments seem to only adjust how the stands latch on to those locking pin things, it doesn't effect how they sit on the ground.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019

pretty sure this is your loader stand setup.
Look REAL careful and VERIFY that every piece is where it's supposed to be.Follow the 'lines' that connect the pieces. I KNOW the BX23S loader stand parts can go in 4 ways, THREE of them were WRONG.... Print this dwg out and compare

Shotgun Merwin

New member
Jul 9, 2024
I eventually figured it out. Basically, it was just put together improperly. Btw, this would have been made a lot easier if i could find a workshop manual for the LA435, which apparently doesn't even exist. But in case anyone else runs into this problem:

The silver pivot brackets, numbered 080 in the diagram above, have two sets of bolts, each with two nuts on them (150). The inner nuts just put a little pressure on the rotating part of the mechanism to keep them in line, it's not supposed to be tight. I think whoever put mine together slammed these on with an impact. The outer bolt is supposed to be tight, yeah, but the inner one needs to be just slightly lose in order to let the parts rotate. Also, it seems like they assembled it in the wrong position. You need to have the bucket in more or less the same final position it would be on the ground and you basically just put the stands in their final position, with it resting on the stops, before you tighten anything down. Basically what was happening before i fixed it is that the nuts were so tight on the bracket it wouldn't let the one leg rotate down at all and it'd be jammed in one position, the other leg seemed like it might work fine somehow, but the whole thing would just be standing on this one jammed up leg.

It looks hugely complex, but like anything it's actually pretty simple once you figure it out. The dang thing works like a dream now, especially considering how much trouble i've had with it since day one. From what i seen online, a lot of people have trouble with these loader stands, so hope this might help.