I'm trying to do the 50 hour service on my L2502. The manual calls for replacing both hydraulic filters. The one on the right side I was aware would gush fluid when I pulled it so I was ready...or thought I was. The sealed/new filter(HHK32-16772) didn't come with a magnet so I cleaned/swapped the old one into the new filter. I put it back on and it would NOT stop leaking. I tightened it as much as I could w/o damaging it and it still dripped. I pulled it again and double-checked the positioning of the magnet and it seemed to fit just like on the original filter. Put it back in and it still leaked...I tightened it again and ran the tractor to see if it just needed pressure to get a seal. Still dripped. Pulled it again and found the magnet had broken - likely from me overtightening it. So I left the magnet out and the filter seals up fine.
At this point I don't know what to do. If I pull it again I'll have dumped most of the fluid. Then I'll have to risk another full load of fluid just to see if it's going to leak again.
The service manual shows the magnet should be there and it looks like I could buy it separate. If I do I could easily end up in the same loop again, dumping about $30 of UD2 fluid at each try.
The other filter went fine...and like I said, the new one isn't leaking now that there is no magnet.
During my 3 passes with it off I confirmed there aren't double gaskets and the sealing surface looks fine.
I did use all OEM Kubota filters from my dealer...The one on the right side w/the magnet was $60 by itself.
I'm aware of the Shop-vac trick and would have done it but didn't mind losing a gallon or two...I'm rethinking the wisdom of that now. I'm trying to treat this tractor well but Kubota is making it tough!
At this point I don't know what to do. If I pull it again I'll have dumped most of the fluid. Then I'll have to risk another full load of fluid just to see if it's going to leak again.
The service manual shows the magnet should be there and it looks like I could buy it separate. If I do I could easily end up in the same loop again, dumping about $30 of UD2 fluid at each try.
The other filter went fine...and like I said, the new one isn't leaking now that there is no magnet.
During my 3 passes with it off I confirmed there aren't double gaskets and the sealing surface looks fine.
I did use all OEM Kubota filters from my dealer...The one on the right side w/the magnet was $60 by itself.
I'm aware of the Shop-vac trick and would have done it but didn't mind losing a gallon or two...I'm rethinking the wisdom of that now. I'm trying to treat this tractor well but Kubota is making it tough!
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