Kubota B1700: FEL LA301 Control Valve Replacement


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Kubota B1700D
Mar 3, 2025
Palatine IL
First-time poster

I need some help. I recently purchased a Kubota b1700D tractor, and my control valve (b00100) regen and float are not working properly and need replacement. I am trying to pick the right control valve from my application but I need some direction. I am fairly new to hydraulics so looking to learn.

*Below is the schematic for the current control valve on the tractor


*Below are the specs for my tractor (hydraulic pump flow is 5.8 gpm)


I think I have narrowed it down, below are two valves. I do a lot of grading with the bucket so the controls need to be fairly accurate and sensitive.

A few questions:
1. I think, but not sure, the size of the ports (both in and out, along with the work ports) on my current control valve are SAE 6 is that correct?

2. There are 3 hoses to my current control valve. 2 at the bottom, my guess would be in and out, but there is another on the face by the working ports (part# 75540-61900). Is that a bypass?

3. Will either of these valves work as a replacement?




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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
First-time poster

I need some help. I recently purchased a Kubota b1700D tractor, and my control valve (b00100) regen and float are not working properly and need replacement. I am trying to pick the right control valve from my application but I need some direction. I am fairly new to hydraulics so looking to learn.

*Below is the schematic for the current control valve on the tractor


*Below are the specs for my tractor (hydraulic pump flow is 5.8 gpm)


I think I have narrowed it down, below are two valves. I do a lot of grading with the bucket so the controls need to be fairly accurate and sensitive.

A few questions:
1. I think, but not sure, the size of the ports (both in and out, along with the work ports) on my current control valve are SAE 6 is that correct?

2. There are 3 hoses to my current control valve. 2 at the bottom, my guess would be in and out, but there is another on the face by the working ports (part# 75540-61900). Is that a bypass?

3. Will either of these valves work as a replacement?


Your current valve has IN, TANK, and Power Beyond connections and any replacement must have those ports as well.

The Metro valve does not have Power Beyond.

The Brand valve has all the features but would have to be mounted upside down.

This Summit valve is considerably less expensive but lacks regen. You will probably not notice the difference. You would also need to purchase the power beyond sleeve whicb is sold separarely. Grand total $275.

I would be ibterested in hearing whats not working with float and regen on the OEM valve. Sounds like something that might be an easy and inexpensive fix.



New member

Feb 14, 2023
I just installed a Summit P40G-2K16A-J valve (Summit Hydraulics) https://summit-hydraulics.com/
on to a Kubota B7200D with a Front End Loader 1640.
Cost aprox: $300 valve, Fittings from local supplier $100. Was able to use existing hoses & quick couplers.

Install, two new holes for mounting on existing structure and some re-routing of hoses w/ new fittings.

Shout out to Orange Talks on previous threads on topic of control valve and to Summit Hydraulics (web resources, customer service).

The original valve was tired! Lots of slop, very little fine control. Big difference with new valve.

