EXCELLENT advice!You might be better off wishing on a Christmas miracle...![]()
That loader and any 40 year old loader is really hard to find, especially one close enough to make it a good deal.
Shipping something like that is really expensive.
One other option is an aftermarket loader, Woods, Koyker, and others make might make a model that will fit it.
The normal advice is to sell that tractor and buy one with a loader already attached.![]()
Here in New England i have found a few tractors B2150 with FEL rather cheap as tractors little beat up. One was 3500 bucks. I imagine if you bought and swapped loader to your b2150 you could sell off tractor for 2500-3500 pretty easy. So look for complete unit if your tractor isHello all, just recently got a old Kubota B2150. Looking to find a loader and sub frame for it. Ive heard the LA350 is most common for this tractor. Any suggestions as to where to look to find one and what to look out for?