ISO 5675 Push/Pull connectors


New member

Kubota M7040D
Jun 29, 2024
My new Kubota has really nice push/pull connectors for the auxiliary valves and I would like to buy more of them. They are true "hands free" units... I don't need to pull or push any collars in order to connect the hydraulic hoses.... literally just push them in and pull them out. They have already saved me one hydraulic hose as one caught on something and simply pulled out. Without this I would have blown a hydraulic hose.

Anyway, in my search to find new ones I'm having an extremely hard time finding what I want. It looks like most of them have the collars that need to be pulled, or pushed. There doesn't seem to be a naming convention. Some are referred to as Push/Pull, meanwhile some of the units marketed as "push/pull" simply have a collar that needs to be pushed or pulled. I have seen them called "breakaway" and one guy in a video called them "hydraulic assist"??

Anyway, does anyone know where to buy these things at a reasonable price? Are there a limited number of suppliers that make the good ones? I think Summit Hydraulics has them but, based on all the confusion, it's hard to know what you're buying.

Anyone found em for less than $45?