I forgot The First Rule of Aftermarket Accessories


Well-known member

B2650, Pronovost snow blower, Landpride rotary mower, Howard tiller, box blade
Apr 2, 2015
Downeast Maine
"Nothing is ever as easy as the instructions say it is."

However, I endeavoured to persevere and got the front mud guards mounted without undue verbal lubrication or conducting ballistics experiments with hand tools.

I started on it mid-morning when it was reasonably warm and got interrupted before getting much beyond laying out the necessary supplies.

Yesterday, I took two 55 gallon drums containing engine oil, hydraulic oil, #2 diesel and trace amounts of mineral spirits and gasoline to a local-ish garage that has a waste oil furnace. I TOLD them exactly what was in it and they accepted it. As I was preparing to mount the mud guards, they called and said "We can't use this, we burn only straight motor oil. Come and get it!"

That DID inspire colorful language at outdoor - not to mention long distance - volume. Went and got it, lugged it most of the way home and had an inspired thought: The contractor I worked for briefly might have a waste oil furnace. Stopped in, and turns out he didn't, but knew a guy up the road that did and would burn nuclear waste if it was free. Turned around and lugged it back up the road to him. Glad to have it, chatted about this and that, inspected a few jobs he was working on and parted friends.
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