B7100HST-D Engine removal....


New member

B7100 HST - D
Mar 9, 2010
Birmingham, AL, USA
I'm going to rebuild my 750-AH.
I have removed numerous car and boat engines, but this is the first tractor engine removal. I seen tractors pulled apart along the road, but I've never actually been part of the process during the "split".

After reading the shop manual...and before starting this project...I need some advice. The shop manual has me removing the front axle, etc,,,and supporting the axle and the frame. and "support rear of tractor with a suitable jack".

Could someone walk me through the safe way to do that?

I'm not looking for the step by step...but the general manner of planning for the (jacks and supports)....I will have have the engine hoist already on the lifting hook and in tension...but I'm not positive about the "rear of the tractor"...does that mean a bottle jack under the tow bar...or does it mean blocking the rear axles?.

I've got 4 jack stands, 2 floor jacks, and perhaps a bottle jack....and a few 4x4's and 8x8's.

Having never done this....I am imagining a moment when everything disconnects and I'm left with "heavy" components rotating in different directions in an unwelcomed way! Thinking about just leaving the 3 point hitch hooked to the bushhog.




B7100 with FEL
Nov 25, 2009
Bellingham, WA
I lifted the front of the tractor with an overhead hoist (from the engine lifting points), removed the front frame and axle as one (unbolted from the engine block), then used 2 jackstands on either end of a piece of pipe just behind the bellhousing to suport the rear half of the tractor on while I removed the engine from the bellhousing. The rear half is light enough to be able to move it around by hand (holding onto the bellhousing) as long as you plan ahead to be able to set it on something when you get where you're going!

I marked the jackstand locations on the floor to help get everything back in the right place for reassembly since I was using a fixed location overhead hoist.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
Just remember that the front axle pivots in the center. I blocked the adjusters so it was solid and couldn't tip sideways and then bolted angle irons to the frame at the rear of the engine. :D: Dusty


New member

B7100 HST - D
Mar 9, 2010
Birmingham, AL, USA
You guys are great. I'm beginning to think I can do this without my wife having to call 911 some time early in the process.."Can you guys get over here and get this tractor off my husband?...even though they LOVE those kind of calls.

Half the fun of these projects is sitting in the plastic chair, shop manual in hand, tractor right there....thinking about it. (The "strategizing") I'm glad I thought to ask you gents. I wouldn't have come up with either of those two great ideas...I was stumped...and it was not supposed to be that hard....but understanding my limited knowlege of this particular part of the evolution...well, thanks. This forum is really helpful. (I may even be able to call the 911 guys up and tell them to go into stand-down status)

Now I've got an excuse to purchase a welder....so I can make up some stands like Dusty did....(always wanted a welder.)
