Replaced the O-rings and now there is no fuel leak from the delivery valve housings. But I think I have a problem with the governor as I can't easily start without setting the speed control lever to high speed. Once started it runs OK but won't idle very well. I recall having to undo the fuel limit apparatus assembly when taking out the adjacent banjo bolt holding the hydraulic pipe that runs under the fuel pump. Impossible to get at the banjo bolt otherwise.
I suppose the only solution is to undo everything and take the fuel pump out and try and adjust the fuel limit assembly. Or can it be adjusted externally by rotating the "nut" it slots into? Any suggestions on what to look for would be welcome.
Did it work properly before your O-ring fix?
I've worked on quite a few B7100's, D650's, D750's, D850's, D950's and not a single one required messing with the idle adjustment.
There is a reason that that has a anti tamper cover over it.
If you set the throttle so that it moves the lever on the speed plate just the slightest it should idle no matter what the idle adjustment is set at.
If it won't then you have a either a fuel injection pump issue, which sounds very likely.
Or you have a spring issue, there are three springs on the throttle and governor.