This problem randomly occurred out of no where after a few months it’s ran fine and started and idled fine forever until now at first one day, I was driving it just for a joyride after I took it mudding as I hadn’t use it for work that day (I do not mud aggressively with it nor do I flood it with water) as I was driving back to park it. It started to lose RPMs and slowly stall out. It kept driving in a slow speed for a while until it eventually stalled and died and refused to idle when I turned the key everything and engine turned over and everything runs, but it refuses to idle I thought it was a electrical issue as the battery was low and needed charged and the electricity light on the dash came on and went off once I recharged the battery and the light went off then the tractor started fine and drove for a little bit then did the same thing after 20 minutes and the light came back on. I opened the hood and a friend of mine, checked the injectors, and all of them were receiving fuel. We did this a total of four times and it refused to idle. We also checked of all the filters, including the intake, and the diesel tank is clear of debris or dirt nothing is floating around or anything that could get caught in the filter it is able to breathe no unusual smoke comes out of the exhaust besides the normal occasional low black when starting it sounds fine and turns over fine so I’m unsure if it is a actual electrical issue or if it has something to do with the fuel pump or the engine I checked the wires and everything seems to be intact and there’s nothing broken unplugged or missing and the same with the fuel lines I see no leaking or cracks or anything unplugged does any one have any ideas what a solution could be this would mean a lot as I use this tractor daily for work or entertainment.