Aging Beef

Creature Meadow

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2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
The 28 day results are in.

Day 1 weight = 69 ounces
Day 7 weight = 61.1 ounces
Day 14 weight = 57.5 ounces
Day 21 weight = 54.4 ounces
Day 28 weight = 52.1 ounces
Loss = 21.2%

Trimmed weight = 33.4 ounces
Loss = 27.1%

Total loss was = 51.6%

Cost was $8.88 per pound with the loss new price after aging and trimming would be $18.51 a pound.

I'll get some pics uploaded later.

Results very similar to the 21 day, we will see how the taste compares. Expecting little difference from 21 to 28, now the control (no aging) from 0 to 21 should be big and maybe 21 to 45 little some difference.

The reason for me doing this to see what age my taste buds prefer.


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Don’t want to highjack, but here is better look at this year’s steer.
Skeet’s, I forgot to ask for cross, but does look angus? Can see the long Highlander fur on the top of the forehead.

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Cost was $8.88 per pound with the loss new price after aging and trimming would be $18.51 a pound.....
Prime rib-eye steaks at my local market are $8.95 lb for marbled, juicy, fresh (non-old-aged) meat. My taste buds are unadventurous after these things are seared over a wood fire with lemon pepper and a splash of Kikkoman's. :p


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
RCW from the looks of that guy I wouldnt bet on what he was,,, one horn turned up one turned down lol

Creature Meadow

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2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
My grandmother used to say if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything...:( Well, her ending was a little more colorful and BRUTALLY honest...:eek:

I've probably roasted 2,000 whole bone-in prime ribs, and cut another 1,000 into ribeyes or delmonicos. Like GeoHorn, I love a GOOD ribeye...;) Prime Rib - not so much..

Creature Meadow is experimenting and sharing his experiment with us. I appreciate that!:)

I watched a TV program (How It's Made?) a few months ago that showed how beef was dry-aged....I was very interested then, and am quite curious how CM's project goes.

Last I would do is say that looks "icky," because after a trim, the end-product will likely look much more appetizing to me than the ribeye in the Styrofoam tray at the store meat case, whether select, choice, or prime.

We get our beef from young local farmer, and the Highlander crosses he raises have the earthy, concentrated beef flavors like dry-aging accomplishes in commercially-raised animals. He learned finishing from his father, a friend who died unexpectedly at 63 a few years ago.

RCW, this Friday the 45 day will come out.

But, last night 41 days in I broke down and cooked one of the 21 day ribeyes.

Ole my I am hooked! the steak was about 8 ounces and it was all I wanted and I once ate a 32 ounce steak with all the sides, I like steak.

The flavor was rich and full tasting, it had a ton of depth to it. Not really sure how to describe it other than the above.

I cooked it to 130 then let it rest for 5 minutes, the only thing on it was coarse ground salt, couple of sprinkles. I used real wood charcoal for my heating media.

It was to die for can only imagine what the 45 day will bring far as flavor and depth.

I'm hooked next week ribeyes will go back on sale so depending on the outcome of the comparison we will be aging another one soon.

Creature Meadow

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2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
As mentioned the 45-day comes out Friday below are pics of the trimmed 21-day and 28-day.



Got together on Sunday afternoon and processed our venison, results were as follows but remember we have little deer here in NC.

Burger 96/4 Ratio = 30#'s - Added trimmings from the above mentioned steaks to the grind.
Burger 80/20 Ratio = 35 #'s
Sausage-Mild 80/20 Ratio = 15#'s
Sausage-Italian Ratio 90/10 = 15#'s



Creature Meadow

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2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
One more day and the 45 day ribeye comes out of the fridge, can't wait to see what is looks like compared to the 21 and 28 day ones.

Taste test this weekend I hope.

Have a great Thursday!


Creature Meadow

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2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
The results are in for the dry age beef "test".

I cooked one each of the 21, 28, and 45 day steaks over lump charcoals to 130f and allowed to sit for 5 minutes.

Cut the heart from each and sampled in order from 21 to 45 days. Reversed and tried from 45 to 21 days.

My findings were the 21 day was excellent and no real difference with the 28 day and the 45 was slightly more flavorful.

Conclusion the 45 day better flavor but not worth the additional time and the cost per pound in the end after drying and trimming was $22 a pound vs. $17 for the 21 day. Purchase price was $8 a pound.

I believe the 21 day provides the best bang for your buck and flavor considering all factors, time and cost.

Now moving on plan to do a 90 day and see if the flavor justifies the longer wait, if not the 21 day will be my go to aging time.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
That is way cool,, I am impressed at your testing and reporting,please in the next 52 days let us know how it turns out :D

Creature Meadow

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2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
Now skeets, once the beef goes on sale it will age for 90 days so best case is what early October before it will be ready.

Thanks, I work in Quality and my job is testing and calibration. Do a lot of comparison testing of products to see how ours compares to the competition. Knowing ins and outs of the competition's products also allows us talking points when going after new customers.


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Creature. - thanks for reporting back. Like Skeets, I've been fascinated by your project.
All of them look great, but I lean toward your 21 day recommendation also. Seems to be the best route.

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Creature Meadow

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2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
Creature. - thanks for reporting back. Like Skeets, I've been fascinated by your project.
All of them look great, but I lean toward your 21 day recommendation also. Seems to be the best route.

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Thanks RCW it was fun and the steak was awesome.

It was mentioned earlier my steaks were not prime but that was not what this was about. It was comparing the quality of 21, 28, and 45 day aging.

I'm sure the end result of prime dry aged would have been even better.

But, one could argue if you dry age a lesser cut of select or choice but suffice.

Maybe one day I'll compare select to prime dry aged for 21 days to see if it is worth the extra $$$.

So for now on to a 90 day once they run a sale on ribeyes again.

Thanks again for the kind words.

Busy night here as a volunteer FF. One wreck with a DOA, fire alarm, and a wreck with a police cruiser involved. Time for shower and bed.


Creature Meadow

Well-known member
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2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
My daughter and I sale eggs each week, the proceeds go into her college savings fund. It is no get rich business but the values it helps teach her about money I hope will go a long way.

One of my weekly customers was interested in my aging project and we discussed weekly the process and the results. He tips Ella each week on her eggs so I thought I should give back.

I gave him one of the 21 day aged steaks Friday to try. He cooked it Sunday night and his response on Monday morning was.......that was the best steak I have ever had! The flavor was intense, the steak was super tender, and it was just pure good.

I will be doing a 90 day aged ribeye in the fall when the temps drop. My fridge is in the barn with no climate control so the process should be easier on the fridge to maintain the 35f temp required and not have to work as hard when the outside/inside temps drop some.

Until then I'll keep eating my 21,28, and 45 days steaks, I have in the freezer.


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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
Have you tried this on wild game such as deer or moose? I can't see why I wouldn't have the same results.

Creature Meadow

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2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
Bearbait, I have not but I like you line of thinking.

I'll try a 21 day back strap from a whitetail this fall. My concern would be no fat in the venison or cap, wander how that will impact the end result?

Great idea!

No moose or elk here only whitetails. Tried elk before but never moose.

I'll start a aging wild game thread this deer season to publish my findings.


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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
Bearbait, I have not but I like you line of thinking.

I'll try a 21 day back strap from a whitetail this fall. My concern would be no fat in the venison or cap, wander how that will impact the end result?

Great idea!

No moose or elk here only whitetails. Tried elk before but never moose.

I'll start a aging wild game thread this deer season to publish my findings.
If my bar fridge in the garage hadn't have crapped out I'd give both deer and moose a try but since I'm looking to sell I don't want to pick up another fridge just yet in case we sell. If we do sell soon and buy another place I'll pick up another beer I mean bar fridge and get to work. Either way I'll be looking forward to your findings.

hope to float

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Feb 18, 2018
I will be doing a 90 day aged ribeye in the fall when the temps drop. My fridge is in the barn with no climate control so the process should be easier on the fridge to maintain the 35f temp required and not have to work as hard when the outside/inside temps drop some.
Be aware that not all fridges work if it gets too cold. Be a shame to not notice and ruin the 90 day experiment

Creature Meadow

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2012 L4600, Disk, Brush Hog, GB60 Garden Bedder, GSS72 Grading Scraper
Sep 19, 2016
Central North Carolina
Hope to Float, my profession is calibration so numbers and data collection is front center of my world.

For the test above a digital thermometer that would record low and high temps was used and I monitored it each day when I got home from work. The set point was 35f and the range over the 45 days was from 33 to 37.

Thanks for the insight though and with the 90 I'll do the same.

I believe in one of the pics you can see the type T stainless probe laying beside the rack.

Here in NC we don't get that much cold weather until over in January but I'll be sure to monitor.

Again thank you.

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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
I don’t know if I’m correct at all, but someone mentioned the lack of fat on some game.
I’d be a little cautious about trying to age lean game Creature’s way. Just concerned with it being so lean, might make a piece of shoe leather.
Again, I might be way interested how guys and gals have done it....

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