L2900 Hydraulic leak - Help!


New member

L2900, FEL, belly mower
Feb 25, 2010
Greenwood, IN
I have a L2900DT-GST (4wd) and while plowing snow a couple of weeks ago I noticed hydraulic fluid dripping from the bottom of engine, front drive shaft cover and clutch housing drain port (split pin?). The only symptoms were the power steering seemed sloppy. I parked the tractor and put a pan under it to catch the hydraulic fluid. At least 3 gal of fluid was in the pan before stopped dripping.
I've added more fluid but it keeps just dripping out.
I have also tried to locate the leak but can't find its source. I've looked at the power steering lines from the front cylinder to the base of the steering wheel. Where do the other hydraulic hoses go to that are at the base of the steering wheel.
As I have already said the hydro fluid is leaking from the split pin, the engine oil pan and the front drive shaft cover.
Where else should I be looking? Is it possible for the hydraulic fluid to leak from inside the clutch housing?
If anyone has an idea what is wrong and knows the fix please post details.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
I just fixed a High pressure hydraulic leak on my B2410.... with the assistance of orange tractor folks I might add:D. The leak was in the high pressure delivery line off the pump. This is a steel line that has a FEL connection block in line. The leak was at that block... a less than pin hole that allowed the fluid to ooze (not spray) when the FEL was being operated.

Have you had someone to operate the controls while you were watching potential sources? That was the only way I could find my leak. Never in a million years would I think to look in the steel line....

It was one bear to replace! I had tractor parts strung all over my shop :confused:... all bagged and tagged for identification and assembly sequence.

Good luck!



New member

L2800,Woods FEL and BrushBull, NH Tedder and Rake, Speeco box and post digger,
Jun 4, 2010
Indy, OR USA
I have a 2005 L2800 and noticed the hydraulic fluid on the ground and coming from the same spot and followed up the wetness and found the Hydro pump inlet hose, coming from the filter area to the pump on the engine, was cracked and seeping fluid. After finding some info on another forum site, I heard it was widespread and maybe covered under warranty and/or replaced free of charge. It actually operates in a negative pressure realm so there is not a large volume of fluid leaking out. The big problem is that it sucks air and whatever else into the system and can ruin it. I am trying to find some more posts on this subject here but so far not much said. If any one knows more, spill it! Hope this helps!


New member

None- I get to play with everyone elses stuff
Apr 1, 2010
If you have a leak from inside the clutch housing it is probably the front drive shaft seals that are located inside the clutch housing. You have to split the tractor to get to them. If you are losing fluid, that large of an amount without it running, that is probably what it is.


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Ahhh.... if the leak is there and you have to split the tractor.... duct tape (aka WVa chrome) won't do you any good:eek:

Best just bite the bullet and replace the seals.:)


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
If your L2900 is older than 61866 then it is likely that the sleeve inside the seal on the front axle propeller shaft has moved forward out of the seal. there is a service bulletin (ag001-98) about this. The kit to repair it is part number TA040-98000 Kubota paid 5 hr's to perform the repair when the tractor was under warranty. Instructions come with the kit. I don't know if the tractor need to be split or not but I assume it does with that many hr's allowed. Hopefully the kit is still available!


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
Here is a diagram of the parts, Sleeve (d) has moved forward out of seals (f)
The spacer sleeve (1) provided in the kit along with the orings (2) will hold the sleeve in place. you could get the spacer sleeve and orings and install them pushing the sleeve back into place and it should repair it. The seals could be damaged though so that is why Kubota wanted them changed.



New member

Aug 5, 2010
Hey all, as this thread is about hydraulics I thought I would post this here instead of making a new thread.

I have a B20 tractor with backhoe and front loader. I just got new tyres fitted and it has just come from a big service at a Kubota dealer. I was using it for a few hours today and when I was finished I noticed the backhoe wasn't responsive side to side which has happened a few years ago and was due to a hydraulic leak.

Then I noticed there was hydraulic fluid dripping from the steering wheel, a fair amount in total. The fluid level was definitely a fair bit lower and the steering is now loose, I can move the wheel about a third of a turn before the wheels start to move. Also when the wheels move and the pressure on the steering wheel is noticeable the fluid starts dripping again from the steering wheel. I topped up the fluid, but was wondering if anyone had any ideas how to fix this. Can I take the steering wheel off and maybe tighten a few bolts or is it more likely to be a broken/perished valve? Did the fitting of new tyres mess something up?

Thanks in advance


New member

Kabota L2900
Mar 19, 2017
Pella IA
I could have written your post about the fluid leak word for word. It was the first and only time I had started the tractor in the cold weather. I was also cleaning snow and had the same experience as you. I see it was several years ago for you but I was just curious if you were able to fix it with the kit that was mentioned farther down the thread also were you able to do it yourself?