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  1. R

    B7100D hydraulic flush

    The third plug on the transmission didn't yield much, and I can't find a plug on the bell housing. I see a milled shoulder where one might tap it and put a plug, about where it's shown on the diagram, so i'm thinking this one doesn't have that. On the water bit I'm going to see if any shows up...
  2. R

    B7100D hydraulic flush

    I was thinking put some number of hours on, then drain & fill again, but I didn't trust myself on that. (grin) I'll definitely remove the third plug and check the clutch, just to be sure. Many thanks!
  3. R

    B7100D hydraulic flush

    My inability to find things here is vexing - it seems unlikely hydraulic flush info on such a common tractor wouldn't be here, but I can't find it. I got this tractor last Fall, and now Spring is looking immenent I'm changing the fluid out, put new seals in the 3pt hitch piston, and am...
  4. R

    Kubota B5100DT 3 point hitch falling

    After posting I stumbled across a B6100 thread with relevant suggestions, one being use the interia of the decending lift arms pushing the piston up, and one use a magnet to grab the piston and draw it out. Neither worked for me, but *together* they did the trick. Piston popped right out and...
  5. R

    Kubota B5100DT 3 point hitch falling

    I'm doing this exact procedure on my B7100D. I have the top off the cylinder but while the piston slides in/out and rotates easily I can't get it to come out. I searched here for the mentioned B7100 tutorials and found nada, which is becoming distressingly normal. Is there a way to extract...