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  1. G

    Tipped over and backhoe stuck in the down position

    Thanks to everyone for the advice. I got it into my shop and removed glow plugs. After I got them reinstalled it fired off. It did smoke a bit but that went away and it seems to be running smoothly. I did notice some oil dripping out of the exhaust though, is this normal? I think it stopped but...
  2. G

    Tipped over and backhoe stuck in the down position

    My brother tipped over my Kubota because he didn't lift the backhoe arm up. We got the Kubota upright but it is supported by the backhoe. Engine won't start but I need to get the backhoe arm up so I can move it in to my shop to take off glow plugs. Any advice on how to get the backhoe off the...