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  1. M

    B2320 No start, no battery light

    Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for. I didn't think to check the parts diagrams. Unfortunately my aftermarket Cab seems to be blocking access to the one screw! Also looks like I'll need a steering wheel puller. It's turning into a big job so I may continue to hotwire...
  2. M

    B2320 No start, no battery light

    Update. The battery voltage when running now is only 12.5V. The service manual states that a possible cause of the battery warning light not illuminating with key on is: - Regulator defective - blown fuse 10 amp - Dynamo defective -wiring harness disconnected I assume that since the...
  3. M

    B2320 No start, no battery light

    Thank you all for the replies. A) Batter voltage is 12.6V off. Cranks very strong and starts and runs no problem if you jump the starter solenoid with the key in the on position. All dash lights and accessories work with the exception of the battery charge lamp . The manual states it should...
  4. M

    B2320 No start, no battery light

    I did try that. Nothing. I also managed to start the tractor by jumping the starter, so no issue with the starter motor itself. This also confirms the safety switches controlling the fuel shut off solenoid are working. . I suspect the voltage regulator is bad after looking at the wiring...
  5. M

    B2320 No start, no battery light

    Hello Everyone, I have owned a B2320 for over 6 years (~ 450 hrs) that suddenly developed a no start issue. After blowing snow this morning, I parked in the garage and accidently forgot to shut the PTO off before shutting down. When I went to restart about an hour later it obviously wouldn't...