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  1. J

    loader arms lift *very* slowly

    Confirming that this was in fact the problem. I had to visit more kubota dealers than would have been ideal, but managed to get replacements for both sides of that coupler. It looks like it was the female side that had failed (b/c the pipe-in-bucket with assembled coupler using the new female...
  2. J

    loader arms lift *very* slowly

    Bingo. Fully assembled coupler in the bucket emits _some_ oil, but just a bit, and nowhere near as much as when the coupler wasn't on. (Also the loading is still slow) Seems like a smoking gun, so I'm gonna try to get to my local Kubota dealer before they close. Thanks again, Dan - you're...
  3. J

    loader arms lift *very* slowly

    Ah, yes, that makes sense - this should either 100% point to the coupler or 100% rule it out. Will go do that right now.
  4. J

    loader arms lift *very* slowly

    My local Napa (which makes hyd hoses) doesn't have that coupler in stock. When I talked the owner through the problem and hypothesis, though, he was pretty skeptical that it was the coupler, and demonstrated by blowing through it that it was open when connected and closed when disconnected...
  5. J

    loader arms lift *very* slowly

    LOL - excellent! (Sorry - was writing my latest when yours came in) Perfect! I can't tell you how grateful I am for this help, Dan. I'll report back after a new coupler pair is in place.
  6. J

    loader arms lift *very* slowly

    OK so I think what I understand from your hypothesis, @TheOldHokie, is that the coupler on the return hose is maybe bad. Between what I saw happen when I disconnected yellow and my read of the relevant part of the manual, I think yellow is the head end side and white the return, which would make...
  7. J

    loader arms lift *very* slowly

    Thanks folks! @TheOldHokie I tried what you described. First I confirmed that the problem persists even when the 3ph at the lowest position. Then I disconnected the yellow coupler, removed coupler from hose, put the hose in a bucket (see photo - I think I'm doing what you described) and...
  8. J

    loader arms lift *very* slowly

    Hi - I've got a B3350SU with just over 1k hours on it and a 3rd function valve on the loader. I was using the grapple yesterday to pick up some branches and suddenly the loader arms stopped moving up at their normal speed. They do move up, but at maybe 1/10th the normal speed. All of the...