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  1. N

    Engine Rebuild gone wrong?

    It is a dry sleeve, and I am pretty confident I haven't gone through to the sleeve after more examining and measurements. I'm going to take it into a machine shop and see what they say, most curious to find out about pricing. Like has been shared there are used blocks on Ebay for about $300...
  2. N

    Engine Rebuild gone wrong?

    Yup it's the front face it's the freeze plug hole that lines up with part 40 on the diagram
  3. N

    Engine Rebuild gone wrong?

    Thanks all for the replies, took a better picture which probably can only do so much still. I did my best to try and get a rough measurement and think a conservative estimate is 2mm but probably a bit less than that. Measuring the distance from the inside of the sleeve to this wall I'm getting...
  4. N

    Engine Rebuild gone wrong?

    Hello all, I'm currently in the process of rebuilding a Kubota D600 block engine, mine is actually the marinized version (Universal M3-20) but it's still a Kubota block so I was hoping I could come here for some help. I believe this engine block was mainly used on the G5200. In removing my last...