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  1. P

    B6200E Hydraulic Problem(s)

    Does this not act as pressure relief or bypass in the hitch controller? (not that I've seen a flow diagram for it)
  2. P

    B6200E Hydraulic Problem(s)

    I did move the lever (to clean the dirt off the control valve before replacing the seals on the banjo) and I may have left it in the wrong position. I assume this valve feeds both outlets in the "6" position and only the hitch cylinder in the "5". Otherwise i couldn't have used the loader and...
  3. P

    B6200E Hydraulic Problem(s)

    Before I begin, thanks again to those who helped me here recently. My B6200E had been sitting for a few months and when I tried to use it it sprung a few hydraulic leaks, the worst being the seals on one of the bucket tilt cylinders. Also, two hoses had sprung pinhole leaks and evidence of...
  4. P

    Removing B6200E 3 Point Hitch Piston From Cylinder

    Abuse and anecdotes aside, Wolfman's technique of using the hitch arms to push the piston up was the ticket. Cylinder bore was smooth and no ridge to cut down. Pushed piston down and up a few. times after which dropping the arms quickly created enough momentum for the piston top to stop just...
  5. P

    Removing B6200E 3 Point Hitch Piston From Cylinder

    That would certainly be cleaner. And when I get the system drained I'll try it. A friend had suggested air and my thoughts were that if fluid leaked past the piston easily enough to relieve the pressure air will be less likely to pressurize the cylinder. Here's hoping that it doesn't. Thanks...
  6. P

    Removing B6200E 3 Point Hitch Piston From Cylinder

    I'm trying to replace a leaking seal on my 3 point hitch piston (hitch would raise and quickly leak down) and I don't know how to get it out of the cylinder. It was suggested to use a magnet to pull it out but I don't have one strong enough. Also suggested was pulling it out with suction...