Recent content by NCL4701

  1. NCL4701

    1,000 hour review of an L4701 from squatch253

    I don’t have the backhoe. Use the loader quite a lot with grapple, bucket, and forks. Use the PTO and three point quite a bit with bush hog, chipper, stump grinder, boxblade, backblade, pine straw rake, and skidding winch. The three rear remotes and hydraulic top link and side link are pretty...
  2. NCL4701

    Daily Chuckle

    Looks like someone saved time and money by skipping those pesky little brick ties. Can’t see them once the brick is up so who would ever know?
  3. NCL4701

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    For now, I do. Almost 3 years in, it seems to be handling it well. It would be a bit of a stretch for tree debris to hit it while in its parking spot, but I’d much rather park it inside. Looked into building a shed, or having one built, and would have pulled the trigger on a metal 3 bay 5 years...
  4. NCL4701

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    We were on vacation last week. Got back Saturday. Since then we’ve had rain at least part of the day every day. 5” total this week. So only thing I’ve done with the L in the past couple of weeks is put up the camper. In between rains, the T mowed all three yards, top of the dam, and grassed...
  5. NCL4701

    Extra Security Protection

    My father used to say, “A lock only stops an honest man.” I tend to agree, and the advent of affordable battery powered angle grinders hasn’t helped much with the efficacy of locks, chains, and cable for security. Obviously the fewer people that know it’s there the better. Certainly shouldn’t...
  6. NCL4701

    Everything Attachments - Bankrupt?

    Agree Ted has done much damage to the Corriher name and that likely isn’t restricted to him only, which is quite unfortunate for other Corrihers if undeserved. I would certainly consider buying from CTL if they had something I was looking for, but only if they were loading it on my flatbed while...
  7. NCL4701

    RESOLVED - Need help with grapple problem

    There are numerous folks here who know WAY more than I do about hydraulic systems. But, I have had a similar issue with my grapple. I spent a good bit of time totally focused on the grapple end of the connections. It would close but not open. Hoses appeared to be flexing. I had never removed the...
  8. NCL4701

    Who would have thought??

    When I was managing a group of investigators one of the situational awareness things we taught our young new folks was never underestimate the potential danger presented by old and/or apparently weak or busted up people. When you’re young and healthy, fight or flight is a decision if you get in...
  9. NCL4701

    Who would have thought??

    I quit smoking pot in 1985. Smoked it partly because I was a teenager and it was easier to get than alcohol. I don’t drink either. For the people I have personally known that smoke pot or drink alcohol the percentage that partake in moderation v those that have a problem (i.e. “pothead” or...
  10. NCL4701

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    I have an old blade similar to yours which I inherited from my father. I have used it occasionally for almost 50 years. Walked by it in the shed the other day and it struck me that the extra holes toward the top of the blade allow for shifting the whole moldboard to either side by removing the...
  11. NCL4701

    Exhaust flapper?

    Got tired of the soup can on the exhaust thing on our old Farmall about 40 years ago, largely because it had a loader and the top of the stack was about 8’ off the ground so not convenient to access, and put one of those flappers on it. Took about 2 minutes for a 15 year old of kid to install...
  12. NCL4701

    Daily Chuckle

    Why is it all white? That’s not inclusive.
  13. NCL4701

    Stand or Storage Options

    I put mine together on the 3 point and when it was all together wanted to take it off but didn’t have time to make a proper stand so I used a square U-bolt and a scrap piece of 2x4 to make a leg to hold up the front of it. Took almost 5 minutes to make. Originally intended to make a better stand...
  14. NCL4701

    Could my grave be on my land?

    I know this thread has gone off the rails, but… Is it possible in some areas to legally bury, cremate, or otherwise dispose of a corpse without involving a licensed provider? (Not sure how you’d do a home brew cremation unless you went with the currently out of vogue funeral pyre thing.) Kind...
  15. NCL4701

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    The tributary showing on a map reminded me of a situation I had ancillary involvement in a few years ago. Land owner contracted with a grading company to flatten out about 5 acres that was shaped like a bowl with one end open so he could put up a commercial building and parking lot. It was...