Recent content by Mountainman

  1. Mountainman

    New clutch wont release

    Had a customer with same issue. Verified everything was correct and adjusted correctly. Ended up being a crack in the clutch fork couldn't see it in the tractor.
  2. Mountainman

    B3030 and B2910 - same frame?

    If you can find one the bh4974 subframe is made for the b7800 which should also work on the b2910 and works with the bh75 and bh77 backhoe. They dont list it as working on the b2910 but i don't see why it wouldn't. Problem is finding one.
  3. Mountainman

    B1550 Backhoe not working

    You cannot put a tee in a pressure line. Fluid will always take the path of least resistance so youll have flow but no pressure. You need to come off the power beyond of the loader to the backhoe and then from the backhoe back to where the power beyond hose connected back to the block to feed...
  4. Mountainman

    B7100 HST or B8200 gear for first tractor

    B7100hst is considered live pto for the fact that you don't need the clutch to drive the tractor or switch gears. Gear drive version is not
  5. Mountainman

    B8200 HST Incline stalling

    If you can put a tiller or cutter on it and put it under load see if it works normal or if it stalls out. That'll help determine whether its the clutch or hydrostat issue
  6. Mountainman

    B7100 HST or B8200 gear for first tractor

    B8200 is a lot more tractor than the 7100. But hst is much better for loader work. If your going to do much loader work look for something with power steering in my opinion.
  7. Mountainman


    You have a valid point. In this case the panel is nothing more than a mechanical tach, couple lights and couple analog guages and short of the plastic on the front being cracked are not known for water getting in them. Panel has nothing to do with the tractor starting or running. One could...
  8. Mountainman


    Yes it just pops out. Just be easy you don't want to break the bezel around it. Will it stay running if you hold the keyswitch in the start position? Obviously don't hold it there long just a couple seconds as a test. If so you likely have a key switch failure but it could also be the fuel...
  9. Mountainman

    Kubota B2400 several leaks

    The 3 bolts are plugs on the hydrostat and yes there are orings there. Just remove and replace orings. The hole dont worry about nothing there. As far as the shaft leak yes it could be steering gearbox leaking. There is also a vent on top of the clutch housing. The boots are just dust covers...
  10. Mountainman

    Will BX1880 Hood fit on BX1860?

    No it will not. 80 series is completely different in the hood area
  11. Mountainman

    B6100 hyd pump

    Agree with @North Idaho Wolfman you need to replace seals in your 3 point cylinder. If loader is working fine then hydraulic pump is working. It only has 3gpm flow so loader is going to be slow
  12. Mountainman

    Should moderators be elected by membership?

    Well this is fun!!! I have a Facebook group and moderating it and keeping scammers out and making sure everyone is behaving is a lot of work and it only has 8000 members i couldn't imagine what these guys deal with on a daily basis with hundreds of thousands of members for im sure little to no...
  13. Mountainman

    B2400 won't move

    Does it make any noise when trying to move forward or reverse? Clicking or grinding sound? Does it bog the engine or any noticeable changw when trying to move. If the shaft @North Idaho Wolfman is talking about is moving and pto is working then likely hydrostat failure.
  14. Mountainman

    BX24 Dash Panel

    Awesome. Glad you got it working. Now keep it out of the rain and moisture and hopefully youll be good for a while