Daily Chuckle


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M7060, L3902 HST, Farm King PT740, HLA 2500 Snowpusher, LandPride RCR1872
Oct 14, 2023
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
I ran a popular local sub shop 40 years ago.

We used very similar labels. Didn’t recall any spousal problems, but could have happened…🤓

PS - just recalled a customer that bought 3 subs; 1 each for he and his wife; third for his side-squeeze.

He was very strict with the sandwich-maker that they be labeled “Jim,” “Tina,” and “Sally.”

Apparently he mixed them up when they were delivered…. :oops:

Tina and Sally had a lot of questions for “Jim.”

Jim blamed my sandwich-maker. Obviously trying to extricate himself from a bad situation

He wasn’t happy with my lack of support….😎

Betting there was some divorce proceedings shortly afterwards…..
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what ever it takes to get the job done
Aug 13, 2013
Bella Coma BC Canada
I went fishing this morning, but after a short time, I ran out of worms.
Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth.
"Frogs are good bass bait," I thought to myself.
Knowing the snake couldn't bite me with the frog in his mouth, I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait bucket.
Just then, I realized I had a problem, how was I going to release the snake without getting bit?
So, I grabbed my bottle of Jack Daniel's and poured a little whiskey in its mouth. The snakes eyes rolled back and he went limp. I released him into the lake without incident and carried on fishing using the frog.
A little later, I felt a nudge at my foot.
There was that same snake with two more frogs in his mouth.
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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Can we please get this back on track before it gets shut down?
Thank You!

Some of the posters seem to have forgotten that this is a "Daily Chuckle" thread which I really enjoy. There are a few posters that appear to want to turn it into something that it shouldn't be.

Knock it off already. :mad:
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what ever it takes to get the job done
Aug 13, 2013
Bella Coma BC Canada
A man was walking down the street when he was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless man who asked him for a couple of dollars for dinner.

The man took out his wallet, extracted ten dollars and asked, "If I give you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead of dinner?"

"No, I had to stop drinking years ago," the homeless man replied.

"Will you use it to go fishing instead of buying food?" the man asked.

"No, I don't waste time fishing," the homeless man said. "I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive."

"Will you spend this on greens fees at a golf course instead of food?" the man asked.

"Are you NUTS!" replied the homeless man. "I haven't played golf in 20 years!"

"Will you spend the money on a woman in the red light district instead of food?" the man asked.

"What disease would I get for ten lousy bucks?" exclaimed the homeless man.

"Well," said the man, "I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to take you home for a terrific dinner cooked by my wife."

The homeless man was astounded. "Won't your wife be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting."

The man replied, "That's okay. It's important for her to see what a man looks like after he has given up beer, fishing, golf, and sex."
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